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For sure and snapshot predictions, use the innovative technique of Chandra Naadi
Thirupur S. Gopalakrishnan and Srirangam S. Balaji in conversation with Hemamalini Raghunathan

The blend of the Horary technique of assessing the charts, based at that instant of time and the principles of the Naadi astrology of planetary combinations was suitably modified and applied. Thus born the innovative technique of Chandra Naadi, which traces the movements of the transit Moon and the placement of planets in the Natal chart to arrive at sure and snapshot predictions with ease and efficiency.

Mr. Thirupur S. Gopalakrishnan
Many feel that astrology as a subject has complicated rules , calculations etc. So a few astrologers have come out with their own innovative, new techniques, simple yet very trust-worthy. One such astrologer is Mr. Thirupur S. Gopalakrishnan. His father was his astrological initiator. He was contemplating for a long time to evolve a simple process, through which sure and snapshot predictions could be given. Mr. Thirupur S. Gopalakrishnan (; mobile: 98422 20903; website:, the architect of the ‘Chandra Naadi’’ system, has authored many books like Jamakkol Aarudam, Ashtamangala Prasna etc. He has trained many students in his techniques; one of his eminent students and a successful astrologer is Mr. Srirangam S. Balaji, who translates and edits his teacher’s Tamil books.

Mr. Srirangam S. Balaji
Mr. Srirangam S. Balaji (; mobile: 9443836104) has been doing research on various aspects of astrology. With his astrological knowledge coupled with linguistic skills, he is closely associated with Mr. Thiruppur S.Gopalakrishnan in his pursuit of writing books. Here, both these astrologers have explained their new technique ‘Chandra Naadi,’ with case-studies.

Vedic Astrology is filled with myriad techniques of predictions. Why did you want to innovate another one? How did you arrive at this technique? What are the advantages in your system?

It is true that the Traditional astrology is packed with various predictive techniques. Firstly, there is always a room for innovation and improvement in any field. The traditional methods of Astrology are crowded with rules and calculations. It is possible many a times to get confused and entangled among those. The need of today’s client is fast and immediate solutions. So the requirement was felt that there should be a balance somewhere to combine the wisdom of the past, with the swiftness of today. The blend of the Horary technique of assessing the charts, based at that instant of time and the principles of the Naadi astrology of planetary combinations was suitably modified and applied. Thus born the innovative technique of Chandra Naadi, which traces the movements of the transit Moon and the placement of planets in the Natal chart to arrive at sure and snapshot predictions with ease and efficiency.

Does your technique has any base in Traditional Parasara Astrology?. In exactly what ways, you deviate from the traditional system?

We have harmony with the Parasara principles, but, yes, we also deviate from the system, wherever it is required. The Chandra Naadi has the same foundation used in the Parasara system in terms of the rudiments of the astrology viz., the Planetary aspects, the nature of the Rasis, the Nakshtras and the Planets and their Kaarakathwas, the effects of the planetary combinations, the Vimsottari Dasa system, the principles of the Retrograde motion, the Exchange of Houses between the planets, the planetary strengths to name a few. The Chandra Naadi system is built upon the effects formed by the movements of the Transit Moon on the Native’s birth chart and thus the focus on the Transit Moon is the foremost and the fundamental deviation . The Varga Chakras are not used. The complicated and sometimes conflicting rules of the Traditional system are replaced by the simple rules of the relative placement of the transit Moon and the natal chart.

Kindly explain more about the Chandra Naadi technique?

The principle behind the Chandra Naadi system is that the transit Moon is positioned on the native’s birth chart. The association between the transit Moon and the planets in the Natal horoscope, by way of conjunction or aspect, forms the basis of the native’s query as well as the answer. Very explicit and precise replies can be presented to any query, without the need to follow intricate rules and complex applications. The basic rules applied in the principle of the Chandra Naadi are : The planet or the planets of the natal horoscope conjoining or aspecting the transit Moon signify the query and the likely answer. The planet or the planets in the natal horoscope, which the transit Moon has just crossed, specify the past experiences or the past happenings of the native. The planet or the planets in the natal horoscope, which the transit Moon is going to touch next, indicate the future experience or future happenings of the native. The positioning of the transit Moon in 6, 8 or 12th to any planet or planets in the natal horoscope, point to unfavourable results to the Kaaraka of that particular planet or the planets.

You have told that disposition of transit Moon indicates the nature of the problem, faced by the client. Moon will cross the Rasi in 2.5 days or so. Its disposition will keep changing rapidly. The nature of the problem of the client may not change so rapidly. Same problem persists for many years for many people. Your comments, please.
The Moon on its transit touches upon the various planets placed in different Rasis in the natal chart, according to the principle of the Chandra Naadi. Those planets might be placed in the same or the adjacent rasis or there could be a gap of two or more rasis between one planet and the other. The distance between the placement of one planet and the other in the course of the path of the transit Moon decides the duration of the events. For example, the transit Moon has to travel 2 or 3 signs, which are obviously unoccupied, before meeting the next planet, would indicate the lengthy duration of the effects and /or the results, which the Native is undergoing, whether it is good or bad. Similarly if the planets are found to be nearer to each other, the outcome could also be of shorter duration. This is how a relatively faster-moving Moon specify the longer or the shorter time-period of the events. As an additional option, if the Dasa-Bhukti system and /or the status of the transit planets are incorporated, in addition to the transit moon, the time-period could be deciphered easily and precisely.

Could you explain the application of Chandra Naadi technique, through Case-studies?

Case-study 1

This chart belongs to my fellow astrologer’s son. He was enquirng about the outcome of an interview, which he would be attending the next day. The aspect of the Natal Saturn on the Moon placed in his 10th house confirmed the question. When the natal and the transit Moons meet, the query will be about the person himself. This is the basic rule in Chandra Naadi. Since the transit Moon is moving towards the Natal Rahu, it was told that the result could be unfavourable.

The young man phoned after 3 days and confirmed the negative outcome.

Case-study 2

This is the chart of a man in his forties. The transit Moon was in Leo, which was his 5th house. Transit

“The planet or the planets in the natal horoscope which the transit Moon has just crossed, specify the past experiences or the past happenings of the native. The planet or the planets in the natal horoscope which the transit Moon is going to touch next, indicate the future experience or future happenings of the native. The positioning of the transit Moon in 6, 8 or 12th to any planet or planets in the natal horoscope, point to unfavourable results to the Kaaraka of that particular planet or the planets.

Jupiter was also there. So naturally, the question would be regarding his children. The association of Rahu with the Putra-kaaka Jupiter, both in the Natal and the transit chart indicated bad results. The man wanted to know whether he can proceed or stop the enormous medical treatments for getting a child for himself. Being the Moon in the 12th house and the Rahu effect on the Jupiter, getting the aspects of the transit Saturn, conjunct with Mars (both retrograde), he was advised to go in for adoption. The Sun, (the 5th lord) and its dispositor Venus, both in their debilitated state in the natal chart, endorsed the result.

Case Study - 3

The query by this young client was about his profession and also whether there was any chance of going abroad. On that day, the transit Moon was in the Leo rasi. The Moon has crossed the Rahu - Ketu axis in his natal as well as in the transit charts. Moreover, it was placed in the 9th house from his birth lagna. Next the Moon was to touch the transit Jupiter in Virgo rasi, which was incidentally his 10th house. Combining these factors, it was told that he would get a job soon and it could be overseas. The 9th house indicated the distant places. The young man got a lucrative job in Australia, within 3 months.

What are the future plans of your GK Astro Foundation?

The goal of the GK Astro foundation is to serve the field of Astrology and Astrologers. The Tamil astrology books so far published by the GK Foundation will be made available in English. The concept of Medical Astrology will be given a special emphasis; to start with, a book on Medical Astrology by Mr S. Gopalakrishnan will soon be released in English. Periodic classes, astro seminars , astro discussion forums and astro lectures will continue to be held. The teaching of Astrology by the GK Foundation through Correspondence course has been initiated and this will be spread further and strengthened. Concepts like the Karma theory and astrology, the scientific relevance of Astrology, the budding concept of applying the Degree-wise position of planets in prediction, and the Horary method of Jaamakkol Aarudam will be our key areas of activity. We strive to upheld our motto,” Sure, Simple and Successful guidance to the divine science of Astrology in a transparent manner.

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