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Accurate mundane predictions in EST
Indian General Election 2024

  Congratulations to EST Prashna Astrology Experts!

Dr.Andrew Dutta, Shri Anil Aggarwala, Shri.Girish Hegde

Dr.Andrew Dutta
Reference: 'Prashna Prognostications: General Election 2024'
(Page 7, EST May 2024)
 NDA will come back to power.., but quite a few equations will change, and new perspectives will emerge
 .there will be pockets of constituencies in the entire country, where NDA will be surprised with lesser seat wins, and Opposition will be surprised with sudden gains in seats.
Occurences: Very much true! Less Number of seats for BJP and NDA Coalition, than last General Election in 2019. Still, NDA has come back to Power. Astrologer Dr.Andrew Dutta has hit the Bull's eye!

Astrologer Shri Anil Aggarwala
Reference: will the Ruling Coalition NDA come back to power again?
(Page 10, EST May 2024)
Prediction: Success to the Ruling Party.
Occurences: Modi 3.0 has risen.

Astrologer Girish Hegde
Reference: 'Prashna Analysis on General Election 2024'
(Page 13, EST May 2024)
Prediction: When 10th house gets connected to 6th house, getting back to power is for sure.
Occurences: NDA is back to rule.

Astrologer Sachin Malhotra
Reference: 'Major Political Parties of India' (Page 76, EST May 2024)
(Page 13, EST May 2024)
(i) TMC: This party will win the maximum seats in West Bengal.
(ii) DMK : This party will again win a good number of seats.
(iii) AIADMK : This partywill not get much success.
(iv) Congress: Moderate success, with increase in number of seats.
(v) DMK : BJP: BJP will get back to power, but it may not get the full majority, will share power with regional parties.

Occurences: All the above came true exactly as predicted

Astrologer Sunil Dutt
Reference: 'Bharat Nyay Yatra' (Page 31, EST March 2024)
Prediction: Yatra will be successful, and Rahul Gandhi will be able to please the audience.
Occurences: More number of seats (than previous one) gained by Congress in 2024 General Election.

Reference: 'Future of Aam Aadmi Party' (Page 21, EST June 2024)
Prediction: Not a good period for the Party, .... dismal performance.
Occurences: No seats from Delhi. Only 3 from Punjab.

Reference: 'Prospects of Uddhave Thackeray and UBT (Inbox, Page 11)
Prediction: ...fighting back'... favourable period of Sun-Venus-Saturn.
Occurences: Shiv Sena (UBT) has gained (9 seats) in this election.

Astrologer R.K.Verma
Reference: '18th Lok Saba Election 2024' (Page 16, EST June 2024)
Prediction: BJP will form next Government again, with its alliance partners.
Occurences: NDA has formed Government.

Prediction: Congress Party's tally of seats may not cross three digits.
Occurences: This prediction has been proved prophetic, as Congress has got 99 seats only.

Prediction: Some regional parties / allies... may be able to get good number of seats.
Occurences: SP, DMK, TDP, TMC has performed remarkably well.

Astrologer O.D.Mande
Reference: 2024 General Election in India (Page 13, EST June 2024)
(i).....alliance of Opposition parties is not in a comfortable state.
(ii) period during may and June 2024... goes in favour of Ruling Party (NDA).
Occurences: All the above came true as predicted.
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