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EST Celebrity Watch 2024

By RK Verma

Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi, Mamata Banerjee, Arvind Kejriwal

PM Narendra Modi
PM Narendra Modi was born on 17 Sep 1950, at 11:00 Hrs, in Vadnagar, Gujarat.
PM Narendra Modi His Lagna is Scorpio, Lagna Lord Mars is well placed in lagna with 9th lord Moon. This is a very powerful combination, as it creates "Raj Yoga", "Neechbhang Raj Yoga" and "Ruchak Mahapurush Yoga", all at the same time. This is indicative of his rise from humble beginnings to a position of eminence and power, as Prime Minister of India. Hais Mars placed in Scorpio, in own sign, gives him extraordinary courage, tenacity and determination. Saturn in his chart is Atmakaraka and Venus is Amataykaraka. Both, beautifully combine in 10th house to form a great "Raj Yoga". This is the reason why he has continuously wielded power from the year 2001, when he first became Chief Minister of Gujarat and thereafter, Prime Minister of the country in 2014 down to the present.

Jupiter in his chart is placed in 4th from the Moon and this gives rise to , which is a yoga for prosperity, popularity and success. The Sun and Mercury combine in 11th house to form "Bhudhaditya Yoga", which gives him extraordinary ability and intelligence, to anticipate problems and come out with innovative solutions. Jupiter in his chart is placed in Aquarius and is retrograde also, which makes him think "out of the box", and come out with original and unique solutions to the problems. It also gives him the ability to revive sick or old projects and turn them into success. Exalted Mercury makes him quick-witted and gives him uncanny perception and understanding of situations, which enable him to disarm his opponents with wits, repartees and homely anecdotes.

Ensuing Bhukti of Jupiter in Mars Dasa
PM Modi is running Mars-Jupiter period from middle of May 2023 to middle of April 2024. Jupiter is placed in the 4th house, a square position from lagna, which symbolises struggle, strife, opposition, anything but smooth sailing. Hence, the sub-period of Jupiter may give him struggle in maintaining peace and harmony in the country. He may incur criticism for his policies by political parties in the opposition camp. But Jupiter in his chart is the 2nd lord (income/investment) also and aspects the 10th house (seat of power). Hence, the country will continue to receive foreign investments in the form of FDIs etc., and overall economic condition appears to be good. However, retrograde Jupiter indicates uncontrollable inflation also, which the Government needs to guard against. But his position as the supreme leader of his party and the government will remain intact.

Bhukti of Saturn in Mars Dasa
He will be running Saturn sub-period from middle of April 2024 to May 2025. Saturn in his chart is posited in the 10th house, with Venus, which is 7th and 12th lord. However, dispositor of 10th house, Sun, is placed in 11th house indicating gain. But Saturn is staunch enemy of lagna lord Mars. Hence, Mars-Saturn period will be a very trying period for him. This indicates immense churning within himself and his party. Further, circumstances within his party and outside will be full of challenges Since, General Election will be taking place in this period; this period does not augur well for the country from the view point of law and order, peace and harmony in the social fabric of the country. Election period may witness severe violence at some places in the country, especially in North India, which will attract adverse publicity in foreign media, resulting in affecting India's image abroad. His party's show in the General Election-2024, may not be as impressive as it was in 2019, and the number of seats may get reduced. However, since Saturn is the Atmakaraka in PM Modi's chart, he may still become Prime Minister of the country for the third consecutive term.

Major Transits
In transit from natal Moon, Jupiter is in 6th house in Aries till 30th April; hence it will give bad result. However, from 01st May 2024, it will be in 7th, hence favourable. Saturn will be in 4th house, which will give mixed results. Rahu will be in 5th house in Pisces throughout the year, which is bad. Ketu will be in 11th house till the year-end, which is good. Thus, out of four major planets in transit, only two are favourable viz. Jupiter and Ketu. This indicates mixed results for PM Modi in the year 2024.

To sum up, the year 2024 is going to be a trying year for PM Modi, but he will remain popular on home-front, although he will have to face fierce criticism from opposition parties and some leaders within his own party. However, he may be able to save his position as Prime Minister of the country for the third consecutive term, after hard struggle, with women supporters playing an active role in the same.

Rahul Gandhi was born on 19 June 1970 at 14:28hrs in Delhi.
Rahul Gandhi His lagna is Libra, whose lord Venus is well placed in the 10th house. Lagna is occupied by Jupiter, which is Vargottam; also lagna itself is Vargottam. This has blessed Rahul Gandhi with good physique and robust health. 5th lord Saturn is debilitated in the 7th house, but gets "Neech Bhanga", as it's sign-dispositor Mars is in kendra from Moon. 7th lord Mars is well placed in 9th, with 11th lord Sun. However, Rahu in the 5th is not good, as it aspects 9th and lagna as well. Rahu is a planet of, inter-alia, confusion and chaos. 5th lord (Saturn) which gives foresight is, as already said, debilitated in 7th and aspects his lagna. Because of this, Rahul was confused for long about his role in public life (it is said that he entered politics reluctantly like his father Rajiv Gandhi) and appears to be disoriented and disorganised. Further, he lacks foresight, which results in displaying immaturity more often than not, which is a bane for public life. His Moon representing mind is aspected by fiery Mars and Ketu from Leo, a fiery sign. Hence, he appears to be impulsive at times, and his utterances in public often cause damage to his image as a serious leader. He needs to guard against this by constant practice and self-restraint, if he has to go far in life as a public figure. His 9th lord Mercury is in 8th house, which is not good. However, Mercury is 12th lord also, where it's Mool-Trikona sign Virgo falls. Hence, as 12th lord in 8th, Mercury causes Vipreet Raj Yoga. However, in the absence of proper Raj Yoga, Vipreet Raj Yoga may not help Rahul realize his dream in the political field. Also, his 10th house of career is hemmed between malefics Mars and Ketu on either side, which causes "Paap-Kartari" yoga. Hence, he is likely to have a chequered political career full of ups and downs, which may be further marred by controversies followed by litigations. A remarkable thing about Rahul's chart is that all his trinal houses (1,5,9) are occupied by Jupiter, Rahu, Mars and Sun respectively, which are political planets. Hence, despite his shortcomings, Rahul Gandhi will remain in limelight as a public figure.

Ensuing Bhukti of Jupiter in Rahu Dasa
Rahul Gandhi is running Rahu-Jupiter period from Jan 2022 to May 2024, which may not be considered a good period, as Jupiter in his chart is 3rd and 6th lord. Also, being retrograde in lagna, it will give the effect of 12th house, which is a house of loss. Hence, this period may not be very fruitful for him politically.

Bhukti of Saturn in Rahu Dasa
Rahul will be running Rahu-Saturn sub-period from June 2023 to March 2027. Saturn is debilitated in his chart in 7th house. However, since Saturn gets Neech Bhanga, this period may give him some elevation in his political career and his stature as a political leader.
Nevertheless, a debilitated Saturn will also show it's negative results. Hence, he may have to face more trouble at the hands of government agencies like ED and CBI and other sundry court cases in this period.

Major Transits
From natal Moon, Jupiter will be in 5th house in Aries up to 30 Apr 2024, which is good. Thereafter, from 01 May onwards, it is in 6th which is bad. Saturn in 3 rd house in Aquarius throughout the year is excellent. Rahu in 4th house in Pisces and Ketu in Virgo in 10th house are bad. Thus, major planets in transit are adversely placed, except Saturn, which does not augur well for giving better results in terms of wider political fortune. However, on the strength of favourable transit of Saturn, he may be able to win his Lok Sabha seat from his chosen constituency this year.

To sum up, the year 2024, which stands for Saturn, may give mixed results to Rahul Gandhi. He is running in 54th year of his life, which is influenced by Mars. Hence, he may become more aggressive vis-à-vis his opponents i.e. ruling party and it's leaders. He may be able to win his Lok Sabha seat in the General Election to be held this year, but his overall political fortunes may not see a significant upward trajectory.

Mamata Banerjee was born on 05 Jan 1955 at 11:46 hrs in Kolkata.
Mamata Banerjee Her lagna is Pisces. whose lord Jupiter is well placed in the 5th house in Cancer, where it gets exalted. Lagna itself is Vargottam, which gives her good and robust health. Her 5th lord Moon is exalted in 3rd , an upachaya house, which impels her to make great efforts in order to realize her dreams in life. Exalted Moon in Taurus gives her great mental strength and endurance, as it is aspected by sign-lord Venus from 9th house. Moon in conjunction with or opposition to Venus makes the native very resourceful and socially acceptable. In her chart, Sun and Mercury combine in 10th to form "Budhaditya Yoga", which gives her uncanny ability to judge a situation correctly, and take prompt action to convert it into a gain. Rahu also joins this combination, but since Rahu gives the effect of house-lord and planets that it is associated with, it has become yogakaraka being in 10th in Sagittarius, which is Moolatrikona sign of lagna lord Jupiter. Lagna lord and 10th lord Jupiter in 5th itself is a great Raj Yoga, which has blessed her with Ministership at the Centre in ex-PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee government, and subsequently as Chief Minister of West Bengal. Her 12th lord Saturn is exalted in 8th house, and gives rise to "Vipreet Raj Yoga". 2nd and 9th lord Mars is placed in Aquarius in 12th house, which enables her to do some cold/thoughtful calculations and take appropriate decisions, which often give her victory in political life. Mars in her chart is Atmakaraka also which makes her a street fighter. It is remarkable that in Mamata Banerjee's chart, three planets (lagna lord Jupiter, Moon and Saturn) are exalted. This makes her immensely popular among the masses. Under the influence of Mars, she has become so courageous, daring and bold that she may be truly called "Sherani (Tigress) of West Bengal". Retrograde Jupiter has enabled her to achieve what at one point seemed unachievable i.e. overthrow the Marxist government from West Bengal. She is continuing as Chief Minister of West Bengal ever since May 2011 when she first came to power on the strength of beneficial astrological yogas in her chart.

Ensuing Bhukti of Rahu in Saturn Dasa
Mamata Banerjee is running at present Saturn-Rahu period from Apr. 2021 to Feb. 2024, which is good, as Rahu is in the 10th house and has become yogakaraka. This period has already blessed her with the post of CM of West Bengal in May 2021 for the third time in a row and will continue to give good result politically. She will play a pivotal role in the opposition unity before 2024 General Election in this period.

Bhukti of Jupiter in Saturn Dasa
She will be running Saturn-Jupiter period from Mar. 2024 to Aug. 2026, which is an excellent period, as Jupiter is her lagna lord and exalted in 5th house. She will play her cards very shrewdly, and will win a large number of Lok Sabha seats for I.N.D.I.A alliance, which will boost her political image, and will give her a new found confidence to take on ruling party at the Centre.

Major Transits
From natal Moon, Jupiter will be in 12th house in Aries up to 30 Apr 2024, which is bad. Thereafter, from 01 May onwards, it will be conjunct natal Moon, which is good. Saturn will be in 10th house in Aquarius, its own house, hence will be auspicious and will give good results. Rahu will be in 11th throughout the year, hence good. Ketu in 5th will be adverse. Thus, major planets in transit, except Ketu, are favourably placed, which indicate a good year for Mamata Banerjee.

To sum-up, the year 2024 appears to be a good year for Mamata Banerjee. She will play a pivotal role in the opposition unity, before 2024 General Election and her party will win a large number of Lok Sabha seats for I.N.D.I.A alliance in West Bengal, which will boost her political stature in the alliance.

Arvind Kejriwal
Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal was born on August 16, 1968 in Hissar District of Haryana at 23:46 PM.
Arvind Kejriwal His Lagna is Taurus, a Fixed sign, ruled by Venus. The Lagna is well fortified by placement of exalted Moon in the lagna itself. Lagna Lord Venus is posited in 4th, along with 4th lord Sun. There is conjunction of four planets in 4th house the (Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter), which makes his 4th house extraordinarily strong, as this placement of planet creates many astrological Yogas in his chart. Lagna Lord Venus together with 5th lord Mercury gives rise to powerful Raj Yoga. Both Venus and Mercury are yogakaraka planets for his chart. The Sun and Mercury in 4th create "Budhaditya Yoga", which is very potent and powerful, as the Sun is placed in its own sign Leo. Jupiter, a great natural benefic also joins this combination, thus cementing it further. Jupiter is also in Kendra from Moon, and creates "Gaja Kesari" Yoga. It may be noted that Jupiter is Atmakaraka and Venus is Amatyakaraka and their combination in 4th house gives rise to a very special and rare Raj Yoga. Because of all these yogas, Arvind Kejriwal was able to get admission in a premier IIT of the country, and later cleared UPSC to become an IRS officer. However, he was not cut out for a bureaucratic job, but was destined to play a much bigger role in public life and on a vast canvas. So, he resigned from Govt Service in Feb 2006, which was finally accepted by Govt in 2011 and joined politics thereafter. In December 1999, during Rahu-Venus period (March 1998- February 2001), while still in service with Income Tax Department, Kejriwal with others founded a movement named "Parivartan", which means "Change") in Delhi. Later in 2005, Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia launched "Kabir", another NGO named after the medieval saint and poet. Both NGOs, Parivartan and Kabir, were focused on RTI and participatory governance. For his involvement with Parivartan, which recognized him for activating the RTI movement at the grassroots and empowering New Delhi's poor citizens to fight corruption, Kejriwal was given the Raman Magsaysay Award in 2006 (Jupiter-Jupiter period).

Ensuing Mercury Bhukti in Saturn Dasa
Kejriwal is running Saturn-Mercury period from Sep. 2023 to Apr. 2026. Mercury as already said, is lord of 5th house, and is posited in 4th house with lagna lord Venus, and forms a great Raj Yoga. Hence, this period will prove very auspicious for him. He may rise quickly in national politics and get a new and more honourable position.

Major Transits
In transit from natal Moon, Jupiter will be in 12th house till 30th April, hence bad. However, from 01st May 2024, it will be conjunct natal Moon, hence favourable and will give good result. Saturn will be in 10th house in Aquarius, its own house, hence will be auspicious and will give good results, as it is yogakaraka in his chart. Rahu will be in 11th throughout the year, hence good. Ketu in 5th will be adverse. Thus, major planets in transit, except Ketu are favourably placed which indicate a good year for Kejriwal.

To sum up, the year 2024 may turn out to be a good year for Arvind Kejriwal. His Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) may make its presence felt in more States in General Election this year. Kejriwal may gain from the political situation that will unfold this year, after the General Election, leading to rise in his political status.

Yogi Adityanath
Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath was born as Ajay Mohan Singh Bisht on 05 June 1972 at 10:52 AM at Pauri in Uttarakhand.
Yogi Adityanath He left his home around the 1990s, to join the Ayodhya Ram temple movement. Around that time, he also became a disciple of Mahant Avaidyanath, the Chief of the Gorakhnath Math, who was leading the Ayodhya Ram temple movement at that time. After initiation by his Guru, he (Yogi) became Yogi Adityanath.

His Lagna is Leo, a fiery sign ruled by the Sun. It's lord is placed in 10th house with 11th lord Mercury and forms "Budhaditya Yoga". There is also a "Parivartana Yoga" in his chart, due to exchange of 10th lord Venus and 11th lord Mercury. This exchange has enabled Yogi to get his desires fructify, after hard work. He will further realize his ambition, and will reach pinnacle of power in his life. Lagna lord Sun and 7th lord Saturn combine in 10th to form "Raj Yoga". This is a formidable yoga in the most powerful house of his chart, which has given him ruling powers signified by the Sun and made him very dear to the masses, signified by Saturn. Yogakaraka planet Mars is placed in 11th house and is aspected by Jupiter, another yogakaraka planet, thus cementing Raj Yoga in his chart. Rahu in 6th enables him to overcome and destroy his opponents. All political planets (Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu) are well placed in his chart. Because of all these astrological yogas, Yogi was able to enter the Parliament at the youngest age of 26 in 1998 during Saturn-Rahu Dasa (July 1995 to May 1998), and had retained his seat till 2017 (elected MP five times in a row from Gorakhpur, UP), when he became CM of UP on 19 March 2017 during Mercury-Saturn period. Thereafter also, he has maintained his winning spree and become CM for straight 2nd term in March 2022 (Ketu-Jupiter period), only the third CM, in Uttar Pradesh's political history to return back to power, after completing a full Five-year term.

Ensuing Mercury Bhukti in Ketu Dasa
Yogi Adityanath will be running Ketu-Mercury period from December 2023 to November 2024, which is good, as Mercury in his chart is 2nd and 11th house lord and is well placed in 10th house in friendly sign Taurus. As Mercury is a planet of business and commerce, so Yogi will try and get investments for his State from big Corporate houses in this period, UP under his watch will see further progress/development in terms of infrastructure projects. He will remain firmly saddled in his position as Chief Minister of UP.

Major Transits
In transit from natal Moon, Jupiter will be in 3rd up to 30th April, which is not good. Jupiter will be in 4th from 01st May till December, again unfavourable, but it will be aspecting 10th house, hence may be good for his political career. Saturn is conjunct natal Moon throughout the year, which is bad placement and will give the effect of Sade-sati. But since, he is a Yogi, Sade-sati will not trouble him much. Rahu in 2nd throughout the year is not good. Ketu will be in 8th, hence will give bad results only. Thus, major planets in transit are not favourable to Yogi. Hence, the year may give him mixed results.

Thus, the year 2024 may be a mixed bag of achievements for Yogi Adityanath. He may be offered a new position at the Centre this year, but may not accept the new responsibility and may prefer to remain in his State of Uttar Pradesh as Chief Minister.

Priyanka Gandhi was born on 12 January 1972 in Delhi at 17:05hrs.
Priyanka Gandhi Her lagna is Gemini. It's lord Mercury and 7th and 10th lord Jupiter are placed in 7th, which forms "Raj Yoga" and "Hans Mahapurush" yoga simultaneously. Sun with Mercury in 7th also forms "Budhaditya Yoga". 2nd lord Moon is debilitated in 6th, but it's debilitation gets cancelled, because it's dispositor Mars is in 10th house from the lagna, which causes "Neech-Bhang Raj Yoga". Jupiter and Mercury in 2nd house from the Moon cause "Sunaphaa Yoga". Both Moon and Saturn are in mutual kendra, which make her extremely popular among the masses, as Moon is 4th lord, a house denoting public, in the Natural Zodiac, and Saturn signifies i.e. masses. Jupiter in own sign Sagittarius and Sun in 7th house bestow her with a royal aura and a magnetic personality. Both these planets and lagna lord Mercury aspect her lagna, which make her chart extraordinarily powerful. 8th lord Saturn is in 12th house, causing "Vipreet Raj Yoga". There is an exchange between 9th lord Saturn and 12th lord Venus, which gives rise to "Parivartan Yoga". Mars gets digbala in 10th house. Sun in her chart is Atmakaraka and Mars is Amatyakaraka, both of which belong to a warrior caste; hence they give her a fiery and forceful personality as well as a fighting spirit. She cannot be cowed down easily, by her opponents, howsoever mighty they may be. Because of all these astrological yogas, Priyanka was destined to join politics sooner or later (it would have been better if she had joined it earlier, during beginning or middle of Venus Dasa, which is coming to an end now) and one day she may become Prime Minister of this country.

Ensuing Bhukti of Ketu in Venus Dasa
Priyanka will be running Venus-Ketu period from middle of Jan 2024 to middle of Mar 2024. This period may not be good, as Ketu is not friendly to lagna lord Mercury. She needs to guard her health and that of her spouse in this period.

Ensuing Bhukti of Sun Dasa
Priyanka will be running Sun Mahadasa from middle of March 2024 to middle of March 2030. Sun is 3rd lord and placed in 7th with Jupiter and lagna lord Mercury, and aspects the lagna. Hence, in this period, she will make great efforts to revive and strengthen the Congress party, along with her brother Rahul, and will succeed to a large extent.

Bhukti of Sun in Sun Dasa
She will be running Sun-Sun period from middle of March 2024 to June 2024. This period will give good result, and she may be elected to Lok Sabha as an MP from her chosen constituency. She will be a force to reckon with in Parliament. Also, she will be a star campaigner for Congress party and attract large crowds in her political rallies in the run-up to the General Election this year.

Bhukti of Moon in Sun Dasa
Priyanka will be running Sun-Moon period from July 2024 to December 2024. Both Sun and Moon are royal planets. Moon as already said is involved in "Neech Bhang Raj Yoga". Hence, she will enjoy her new position as an MP, and her performance on the floor of house in Lok Sabha may attract wider appreciation for her in this period.

Major Transits
In transit from natal Moon, Jupiter is in 6th house in Aries till 30th April; hence will give bad result. However, from 01st May 2024, it will be in 7th, hence favourable. Saturn will be in 4th house, which will give mixed results. Rahu will be in 5th house in Pisces throughout the year, which is bad. Ketu will be in 11th house till the year-end, which is good. Thus, out of four major planets in transit, only two are favourable viz. Jupiter and Ketu. This indicates mixed results for Priyanka Gandhi in the year 2024.

Thus, the year 2024 overall, may turn out to be good for Priyanka Gandhi. She may get elected to Parliament as an MP of Lok Sabha, which will raise her political stature. Her political efforts will ensure that the Congress party will get constitutionally mandated post of Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha. However, her party or it's I.N.D.I.A alliance may not be able to form government at the Centre after General Election in 2024.
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