Luck, Growth & Expansion Jupiter's Transit in Taurus (01 May 2024 - 15 May 2025) predictions for 12 Rasis & birth star
By Prerna Khanna
Lal-kitab Remedies contributed by Rajeev K Khattar
Jupiter transits to Taurus on 1st May 2024, in the 2nd pada of Krittika star. The second slowest planet in the Zodiac is Jupiter, which stays in a Rasi for about 13 months. It turns Retrograde on 9th Oct. 2024, and becomes Direct on 4 Feb. 2025.
Date | Entry in the Star |
13 June to 20 Aug.2024 | Jupiter transits Rohini star |
20 August to 28 Nov.2024 | Mrigasira |
28 November | Enters Rohini in Retrogression |
05 April | Enters Mrigasira |
Gochara (transit) results for individuals will get modified, according to the current dasa-bhukti, Vedha, benefic
points in Ashtakavarga, natal crossing etc.
Jupiter gives favourable results in 2, 5, 7, 9, and 11 places from Moon. When transit Jupiter aspects the natal
positions of Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Ketu, it rings the wedding bells.
Other Major transits during Jupiter's stay in Taurus
- Saturn remains in Aquarius till 29 March 2025, and then transits to Pisces
- Rahu remains in Pisces throughout; Ketu in Virgo
Moorthy Nirnaya
This is judged on the position of transit Moon from natal Moon, when a planet goes to a new Rasi in transit.
At the time of Jupiter's ingress into Taurus, transit Moon is in Capricorn in Sravana Star
- Swarna (Gold) Moorthy (Excellent results). Transit Moon at 1st, 6th, and 11th from Janma Rasi.
- Rajatha (Silver) Moorthy (Good results)..Transit Moon at 2nd, 5th and 9th from Janma Rasi.
- Tamara (Copper) Moorthy (Average results)..Transit Moon at 3rd, 7th and 10th from Janma Rasi.
- Loha (Iron) Moorthy..(Below Average results).Transit Moon at 8th, 4th and 12th from Janma Rasi.
During this transit of Jupiter, the following Janma Rasis
Swarna Moorthy results..Capricorn, Leo, Pisces.
Rajatha Moorthy results..Sagittarius, Virgo, Taurus.
Tamara Moorthy results..Scorpio, Cancer, Aries.
Loha Moorthy results.Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
Jupiter transit to 2nd house Taurus |
ARIES (Mesha): Aswini, Bharani and Krittika (1)
Jupiter in 2nd; Saturn in 11th till
29 March 2025; Rahu in 12th ;
Ketu in 6th.
Personal & Domestic :
Jupiter in Taurus will reward you with the vibrant, loyal and emotionally committed friendships that you could ever want. Especially with your parents , children and spouse, you will have a friendly time and a peaceful bonding. You will find a smart and ideal solution to an ongoing domestic problem. Get ready to welcome a new member in the family. You will be relentlessly positive and that will make you a magnet of abundance, growth, and prosperity. Miscommunications or harsh speech will add some stress in your relationship with loved ones. You will regain your lost social status and goodwill during this time.
Career & Business
Self-employed can see new growth avenues and collaboration opportunities. You will be in the limelight, as your work will be recognised. A rise in pay with promotion will finally come to pass. With abundant resources at their disposal, Investors and Entrepreneurs will attract abundance and expand their financial horizons further. You will gain power and influence, which will compel your rivals to come forward with a truce. Dealers trading in fine arts will pocket sizable gains. Publishers will complete their set target effortlessly. Those in the profession of Law and Accountancy will overcome challenges that has been blocking their way to fame. Teachers and Consultancy services will see their star rise, as they level up the quality of their services. Individuals will find success in careers that involve finance, wealth management, or luxury goods.
You will feel a new sense of confidence in the value of your services or products, which will reflect in higher prices as well as your ability to attract more clients.
Wealth :
In the coming year, Jupiter in Taurus is bringing massive opportunities to increase your wealth and strengthen your Bank account. Aries, do not be surprised as an old investment will start paying dividends. Major boost in cash and income for those in money lending is on the cards. Unexpected windfalls for those in the business of gold ornaments, jewellery, and precious stones will be prominent this year. Profit is assured for those, who intend on selling costly painting or an old preserved status of Gold and Silver. Your intuition will lead you to lucrative Stock market deals. Avoid splurging on too many unnecessary and opulent purchases, as it will lead to financial crisis and mental agony.
Health :
This Jupiter transit will bring good news for Aries natives, as it will boost their immune system and provide them with the energy they need to stay active and fit. Those following a healthy diet will be blessed with good health. However, Arians must be careful not to overdo things and remember to take adequate rest to avoid burnout. Stay cautious and contact the doctor immediately, if you feel any symptoms, such as stomach disorders continue. Unchecked Cholesterol and Sugar levels will hamper your health negatively.
Women :
For women, their generosity will create a magnetic aura that will draw necessary support from people around them. Married will witness their relationship improving, as they will connect with their spouse on a deeper level with better understanding. Increasing responsibilities will prevent you from spending quality-time with loved ones. Maintaining family relationships may require a little more effort and care. Singles will find a right match for themselves that will shape up into a long-term commitment.
Students :
Those who wish to study abroad for a higher degree will have a very positive outcome. Students, because of their hard work and determination, will receive good news, regards to their academics. However, you are advised to stay away from distractions and direct your energies towards more promising direction. Those taking a course or studying for a test or even learning a new language will excel beyond expectations.
Birth Star Predictions
Aswini :
Your persistence in achieving your fitness goals will come to fruition. Your sweet speech and jovial attitude will help you gain love, respect and admiration of people. Support from friends, gain of inheritance and financial gain from elders are indicated. Taking the expert-advice will save you from the deceit of others. Without proper research, there will be loss of investment. Those in family business will earn a good amount of profits.
Bharani :
You will experience harmony and understanding, when in the company of loved ones. Luck will be on your side, as you work towards creating a financially secure future for yourself. Keep the dealings clear, as you might have to shoulder blame at your work-area. Those in the field of Agriculture, Farmhouse, Entertainment or Law will thrive this year. Halt in promised promotion or growth in career will add to your frustration levels. Lack of attention from family members will trigger strong reaction or conflicts, without warning.
Krittika (1) :
This transit will bring many opportunities to grow on a spiritual level through the people you meet at a social event. Your bond with mother will strengthen during this transit. You will be most happy and content, when visiting or travelling to religious places. You will be giving donations to temples as well spending on renovation of religious places.
Vedic Remedies :
Chant Aditya Hrudayam stothra and do Surya Namaskar. Worship Lord Shiva and chant Rudram Chamakam. Help the poor Cancer-patients by giving money or with physical assistance. Light lamp with Gingelly oil in the shrine of Saturn on Saturdays.
Lal-kitab Remedies :
Donate food to the poor.
Every Monday, pour a mix of water & milk onto the protective Snake above Sivalingam.
TAURUS (Vrishabha): Kritika (2,3,4), Rohini and Mrigasira (1,2)
Jupiter in 1st ; Saturn in 10th till 29 March 2025 ; Rahu in 11th ; Ketu in 5th.
Personal & Domestic :
You will embark on a pilgrimage with your family, and spend happy moments with them. In the beginning, lack of communication or understanding can increase conflicts with children. You will spend money on your loved ones this year, which will strengthen your bond with them even more. Couples will experience stable growth and good luck with happiness and pleasure in their married life. This transit will greatly increase the likelihood for singles in attracting love prospects, who are genuinely compatible. Siblings will get some kind of achievement in their respective field. Issues with children will start to resolve. Change of place or location is in store for many of you.
Career And Business :
This Jupiter transit will ensure that your hard work is rewarded through an increment or promotion. Those in press publication, in the management of big spiritual organization or in law of advocacy or judgement will be met with an unexpected boost of fame and notoriety. Your decision-making will be stronger than ever, and any meetings, presentations, or negotiations will go in your favour. Those in import-export, food grains or gemstones will weaken their rivals and expand their business. Your honest approach and hard work will give you recognition, as well as support from seniors. Freelancers, writers, photographers will get plenty of opportunities to pocket profits. Expenditure will increase due to an auspicious occasion at home or even marriage. Tactless and prejudice behaviour will land you into trouble with authorities.
Wealth :
Get ready to turn everything you touch into solid Gold. You will be able to overcome all financial challenges under the guidance of financial experts, elders, and friends. Investing in land or the share market will bring you profit. Increase in income is foreseen for those working as a preacher, teacher, or an astrologer. Buying foreign bonds/stocks will ensure expected returns. You may also draw gains from rental property or inheritance. If you are expecting a loan-related education, then this period will bring an easy sanction of this loan.
Health :
Health will start to improve. Irregular eating habits will result in stomach problems or weight gain. Irregular Sugar levels or Hormone issues will keep you troubled. You will visit an Eye clinic to treat Eye infection or issues with the eyes. Unplanned journey will add to your worries and stress. If eating habits are unchecked, you will be prone to gain weight.
Women :
Women will experience a sense of satisfaction and contentment in their personal and professional life. Those in Politics or any government work will attract fame and recognition. There will be a lot of interference from in-laws. Many will be inspired to sign up job in Police or special Forces. You will win the support of father, a guru or mentor in tough times. You may also have more spiritual or religious experiences during this period and worship a lot of deities.
Students :
Their performance in studies will be commendable. The planetary alignment is favourable for higher studies, potentially in the institution of your choice. If studying abroad beckons, anticipate some challenges. Aspiring students will receive help from entrepreneurs and government agencies, to pursue their higher studies.
Birth Star Predictions
Krittika (2,3,4):
During this transit, the trip that you had been planning for over a year will finally manifest itself. Loss in investments due to lack of proper research and guidance is indicated. The year will be auspicious, as you will find the right partner to have a long-term relationship with. You will earn the respect of your colleagues, due to your sheer hard work, team spirit and proactiveness at work. You will be inspired to take up leadership roles and will execute them efficiently. You will cash in gains from sale proceeds of assets or land. You will spend excessively on mother's treatment.
Rohini :
Expenditure related to religious work will rise. Strict vigilance over diet and medicine is required for those suffering from blood-related diseases. Saving money would be a challenge, as you will be spending a lot of your earnings on unruly expenses. You will enjoy some great moments with loved ones. Expect platonic relationships to deepen during this transit. Those awaiting to get married will get their wish this year. Those appearing for competitive examinations will pass successfully.
Mrigasira (1, 2) :
Be prepared with a Plan B, as there will be transformation and sudden challenges in your career. Avoid any confusion and disagreements with your co-workers. Facing too many blockages to progress will tempt you to take short-cuts, which will result in further losses. You will be very much inclined in signing up for virtuous activities or volunteering work. Father will help and support you at hour of need. Help from family members will disappoint you, when you require their help the most. Judges and temple authorities will receive due recognition for their hard work.
Vedic Remedies :
Feed elephants. Undertake pilgrimage to Guru Kshetras like Guruvayur. Worship Goddess Parvathi on Mondays for peace of mind. Perform Rudra abhishekam on Amavasya Tithi, which falls on Monday. It will increase your overall prosperity.
Lal-kitab Remedies :
Not to argue with your spouse.
Every Monday & Thursday, wear Yellow clothes. |
GEMINI: (Mithuna) : Mrigasira (3,4), Arudra, Punarvasu (1,2,3)
Jupiter in 12th; Saturn in 9th till 29 March 2025 ; Rahu in 10th; Ketu in 4th.
Personal & Domestic :
Jupiter in Taurus promises a year of heart-centred connections, transformative growth, and opportunities, to strengthen your familial bonds. This transit will be supportive for those, who are aspiring to gain knowledge in occult or Metapsychics. High chances are foreseen for singles, in meeting their future spouse in their work-place or at an office party. Differing opinions and old patterns could resurface, leading to minor disagreements with father, sibling, or grandchildren. You will be travelling to destinations, that offer both relaxation and career advancement opportunities. Mother will require timely medical attention for joint or nerve problem. Couples will have to put extra efforts so that their relationship can sustain during tough times. Elder sibling will gain financial stability, due to foreign collaboration or contacts.
Career & Business :
Teachers, Healers, Astrologers will gain popularity due to their expertise in their fields. You will gain the expected increment, promotion, and new opportunities of growth at workplace. Doctors, Dentist, physicians will gain a powerful and recognized business image. Entrepreneurs will work on their weaknesses and transform them into strengths and skills, to gain victory over their rivals. During this time, you may also get a job offer from some other reputed institute.
Wealth :
This transit period promises smooth flow of money and good gains. There will be additional income from a Commission, Stock market, or Interests. Your dream of buying a new house or vehicle will be fulfilled and, if needed, you will secure a loan easily. You will also receive financial support from your parents. Big materialistic gains will flow in from spiritual and educational pursuits. Your expenses will increase due to home renovation or vehicle repairs. Those in public service will take steps to bring in required changes. Maintain proper records of your money transactions, to avoid any trouble or misunderstandings.
Health :
Your solid optimism will keep your spirits high, and push you forward despite the tiredness. You will be required to bring some changes in your dietary plan, to strengthen your immune system. Some of you may suffer from sleep disorders or insomnia. If you notice mild symptoms of stomach issues, fluctuating Sugar levels and Weight issues make sure to opt for immediate treatment. Health of children will require your care and attention. Bruises in ankles, fracture, cramps and rheumatism might disturb you.
Women :
Women will face certain fluctuations in their career, but overall professional life will thrive. You will love spending quality-time with your loved ones, creating new connections and expanding your social circle. Your determination to create a perfectly solid relationship with your partner will meet with success. You will resolve any relationship challenges and foster deeper emotional bonds with loved ones. Interferences of other people will become a reason of misunderstanding or conflicts with spouse. You will feel drawn to contribute your time and effort on various religious and spiritual activities. Your mother-in-law will have sound health.
Students :
Jupiter in Taurus will gradually direct you on the path of success in your studies. The transit will also open avenues for children to pursue higher education without any hurdles. This transit indicates beneficial results for those appearing in competitive examinations. Be wary, as overconfidence will slow down your academic progress.
Birth Star Predictions :
Mrigasira: (3,4) :
Jupiter in Taurus will bring in luck
and prosperity your way. Promotion and increased
salary will help ease any financial difficulties. You
will receive additional income from a Commission,
Stock market, Lottery, or Interests. Your dream of
buying a new house or vehicle will be fulfilled this
year. New endeavours will reach to a successful
conclusion. Maintain cleanliness in your surroundings,
to avoid any allergies or itchiness. Foreign
collaborations or investments will bring in profits.
Result of litigations will turn in your favour. You will
be suffering from insomnia.
Arudra :
Plans to get rich quickly will be hampered.
You will take a major step in business and achieve
expected results. This transit will be favourable for
those in the professions of teaching, counselling, or
public speaking. Those working towards expanding
their knowledge or to pursue advanced studies will
achieve success. You will work towards strengthening
family bonds, resolving conflicts to foster a sense of
emotional security, within your family. Your mother's
health will keep you tensed. Long-standing Agriculture
or Land deals will be settled on win-win terms. Loan
applications will swiftly be approved during this transit.
Punarvasu (1,2,3) :
Actions, backed with detailed
planning, will bring in good results. Relocation to a
new place with a satisfactory job awaits you. Keeping
the communication sweet will help avoid arguments.
Being in the good graces of seniors will be
advantageous for your career progress. Expect
marriage date to be finalized. Singles will finally find
someone, who aligns with their values and views.
Street-food sellers will decide to shift from the current
line of work, and open a new business to earn profits.
Keep your dealings fair and clear, to avoid any false
Vedic Remedies :
Do service in an ancient Shiva
temple. Offer Butter, ghee lamps to Lord-Hanuman.
Chanting Shri Vishnu Sahasranamam is always good.
Sri Durga Saptashati. Homa will help to reduce the
evil effects.
Lal-kitab Remedies :
Not to give false testimony
Every Thursday, before Sunset, donate a pack of milk in any temple. |
CANCER (Kataka) : Punarvasu (4), Pushya and Aslesha
Jupiter in 11th, Saturn in 8th till 29th March 2025; Rahu in 9th; Ketu in 3rd.
Personal & Domestic :
transit period promises a year of
heart-warming connections and deepening bonds with
your loved ones. Your nurturing nature is your superpower in family matters, helping you create a
harmonious and loving environment at home.
Auspicious support from Jupiter will ensure that you
will find love, if single. If you are in a relationship,
you will be able to convert it into a long-term
commitment or marriage. You will continue to get the
support of siblings in the family. Towards the end of
the year, chaos and disturbances with loved ones will
trigger anger and friction. Balancing your personal
needs with family commitments will be essential to
maintaining harmony at home.
Career & Business :
Under the influence of this
ongoing transit, you will be blessed with incredible
success in business. New projects and deals will also
get you recognition in foreign companies. If
employed, Jupiter in Taurus will assist you in getting
new job opportunities or a promotion, after May. This
is an especially good year, if you work in the
Government sector. Also, if you are in politics, you
can expect a new position. Those in the field of Tarot
reading, healing, astrology or Alternative therapies
will get huge success and growth in life. Collaboration
and partnerships will be extremely beneficial during
this time. Recognition and fame will follow those
working in the field of Management, Banking, Hotel,
or wherever organizational ability is required.
Wealth :
This is the time to make shrewd investments,
save wisely, and let your financial acumen shine. You
will get financial gains with increments and a new
source of income will get generated under the
influence of Jupiter. You can expect financial gains
from your friends, elders, or spouse. There will be
expected returns on previous investments. Rising
expenses will force you to reexamine your spending
habits. Money to be spent on renovations will surpass
the set-budget. Seeking expert advice, before making
Investments in mutual funds or real estate
investments, will give positive results.
Health :
This Jupiter's transit offers opportunities for
growth and transformation in your health habits. To
control any chronic disorders, you will adopt a
balanced diet and a moderate routine. Headaches,
fever, and seasonal diseases can adversely affect
your health. Seek medical advice immediately, as
chances are high of a relapse of an old health issue.
Avoid alcohol intake, to avoid liver problem or obesity.
Some of you might be troubled with eye issues.
Women :
Women will make a name for themselves in their respective fields. Prepare for your social life
to expand in ways that you have never imagined, as
Jupiter enters Taurus. Your spouse's support will bring
happiness and warmth into your life. Financial status
of your mother will improve. Bond with mother-inlaw will strengthen and improve. Over-burdening
responsibility will make you feel wired and tired.
Inconsistent behaviour of your domestic help will
increase your workload, rather than decreasing it.
Students :
Students, who are preparing to go abroad
for higher education will get admission in one of the
reputed educational institutes of the world this year.
People who are preparing for examinations like Civil
services, engineering, medical, and management can
get great success. Students preparing for MBA
courses may face some problems in the middle of
the year. Students will get full support of Guides and
teachers to achieve their academic aims.
Birth Star Predictions :
Punarvasu (4) :
The chances of promotion with
increment are high and you will also have cordial
relationship with your seniors. Your sharp intelligence
will help you grab opportunities of job relocation with
fringe benefits. Expect gains from property-related
matters. Students will be drawn to upgrade their
knowledge on Alternative therapy or other healing
modalities. Whether you are eyeing a career leap or
looking to diversify your portfolio, the stars are aligned
in your favour.
Pushya :
Sudden financial losses due to aggressive
investments in foreign exchange are likely, and
savings will be affected during this period. Avoid the
temptation to take loans to purchase luxury items.
Seek experts' financial advice, to manage the financial
ups and downs. For couples, patience, resilience, and
understanding will be key to sailing through any highs
and lows in their relationship. You will find yourself
struggling with dietary choices or fluctuations in
Aslesha :
This transit often indicates a time of increased harmony, understanding, and growth within
your relationships in both personal and professional.
As luck will be smiling at you, well-thought financial
investments will bring in satisfactory profits your way.
It can signify a period of increased potential for
marriage or the deepening of a current partnership. If
you are single, this transit can bring opportunities for
meaningful relationships and long-term commitments.
Existing partnerships may flourish and deepen, while
new business connections will be formed.
Vedic Remedies :
Worshipping Goddess
Shri Mahalakshmi and Shri Karthikeya will enhance
your prosperity and success. Do Mritunjaya
japa many times daily, to recover from illness, if any.
Offer 16 ladoos to Lord Dakshinamurti, on Thursdays.
Worshipping Shri Shanaischaran and Shri Hanuman
on Saturdays can reduce your bad karma.
Lal-kitab Remedies :
Not to fall in the temptation of becoming rich
Wear a Gold chain or Yellow thread around the neck.
LEO (Simha) : Makha, Poorvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni (1):
Jupiter in 10th ; Saturn in 7th till 29 March 2025 ; Rahu in 8th ; Ketu in 2nd.
Personal & Domestic :
There will be happiness and peace in
your family-life. If you are single,
you may meet someone through social outings, where
your natural charm and confidence will attract
potential partners for a love relationship. Expect to
make new connections and fast friends. It will be
wise to be careful with your words, to avoid
unnecessary arguments with loved ones. For couples,
relationship will need their attention and adjustment
to maintain harmony in marriage. You will stand up
for yourself and set necessary boundaries, especially
if you had been dominated and oppressed in the past.
There will be some legal issues or financial constraints
in the family, which will get resolved soon.
Career & Business :
Chances of promotion will be
strong during this period. This is a great time for
making professional power moves or pivoting into a
more lucrative and fulfilling field. Any work that had
to be put on hold due to lack of resources will be now
be completed. Those in the field of entertainment poets, writers, or novelist will be successful in their
pursuit to fame. The support from seniors and
guidance from elders will help you to make the right
decisions and give positive results. Your professional
status will be raised, and you will get the expected
increment due to your hard work. Artistic and creative
projects will be recognised by media and public.
Health :
Adopting good habits will be necessary to
experience and enjoy good health. You will have to
incur medical expenses for your spouse, although the
health concern will be general in nature. You will be
facing issues related to the kidney or lungs. Any issues
related to stomach, bones or eyes must be treated
immediately, before they escalate into something
major. Take time out to focus on your spouse's or
children heath. Work pressure will add on further
stress and strain on your body.
Wealth :
Incredible improvement in your economic
situation is foreseen. Your dream of getting your own
house will be fulfilled during this period. You will also
purchase a new vehicle. You will get monetary support
from family, relatives as well as from unexpected
sources. Investments in banking and finance industries
will be profitable for you. Check the details, before
signing financial contracts with any acquaintance or
even a known person. You will successfully pay off
past debts or dues. Keep a careful eye on your
expenses and be frugal during this period. Spouse
will be supportive towards handling any financial
burden. Investing in real estate will be remunerative.
Women :
Jupiter in Taurus will bring you to the brink
of a whole new chapter in your private and domestic
life. Your professional success will attract jealousy
and envy from your friends. Your ability to take a
step back and look at the big picture will help you
maintain good control over family activities. You will
be focussed to set up an investment plan for yourself
for a secure future. Celebration or an auspicious event
in your inner circle awaits. Children and mother-inlaw will demand your extra attention.
Students :
Students who are pursuing languagerelated courses are very likely to get benefits this
year. Those appearing for competitive exams or
screenings for government job will be successful in
their attempt. Stars will favour those aiming to study
abroad. Many will show an interest to pursue
language-related courses which will add on to their skills set later. Students will need to work hard for
success in board exams. Lack of focus or interest
will create hurdles in achieving academic aims.
Birth Star Predictions :
Makha :
You will be blessed with good fortune and
prosperity, primarily because of your hard work and
strong determination. Destiny will bring you many
opportunities to earn well from your career and past
investments. Opponents will not stand a chance to
make any moves against you. Harmony and peace
will prevail on your family front. You will spend a lot
of your time and money in a religious place or
activities. Health of a family member might leave
you feeling disturbed and stressed.
Poorvaphalguni :
Many opportunities and new ideas
will be implemented in your business which will
attract more clients and help in financial growth. This
period is given to be positive and successful to attain
the desired goal on the professional front. Those in
the profession related to communique, motivational
speaker, Life coach or Public speaker will do
exceptionally well.
Uttraphalguni (1) :
During this time, it is better, if
you do not get involved in any kind of controversies;
otherwise, your previous hard work may go in
vain. Harsh and tactless speech will cause you to be
stuck in fights and arguments with others. Not having
a controlled diet will lead to weight gain or health
issues. Doubting your own abilities will give the
opportunity to others to take undue advantage of you.
Being in the company of friends and relative will be
very relaxing. Those planning to expand their business
in foreign land will be successful in their attempts.
Vedic Remedies :
Worship Lord Ganesha with Red
flowers and Durva grass on Mondays and on
Sankatahara Chaturthi. Chant Guru Gayatri mantra
16 times daily. Donate woolen clothes during Winter
to the needy. Offer Butter or ghee lamps to Lord
Lal-kitab Remedies :
Put a little Turmeric, moist with a little water, on your
forehead daily, as tilakam.
Not to trust anybody blindly, without verifying the facts yourself. |
VIRGO (Kanya) : Uttaraphalguni (2,3,4), Hasta, Chitra (1,2)
Jupiter in 9th; Saturn in 6th till
29 March 2025; Rahu in 7th;
Ketu in 1st.
Personal & Domestic : Jupiter's presence in Taurus will
increase your interests in religious practices and
charity. You can expect a child-birth or you will hear
good news about your child. You will get a lot of
opportunities to expand your experience as well as
networking circle. Singles will attract their potential
partner, through social connections. You will travel
abroad for work, which will be an unforgettable
experience. Your generous and positive attitude will
draw in people towards you. This period will be
beneficial for those, whose younger sibling work
internationally or are into imports and exports.
Career & Business :
You will get timely guidance
and mentorship that will help you to make the right
decision, both on a personal and professional front.
Teachers and influencers will gain fame and
recognition. If you are doing business, you will be
able to resolve some pending issues. Those employed,
can expect a promotion or salary-hike, due to Jupiter's
transit in Taurus. Officiating a foreign collaboration
will bring in huge gains. Scholars and orators will see
their work reaching to wider audience. New
opportunities to expand their work will open for those
in the field of teaching. Luck will be with those for a
job change or seeking a desired job. You will also
successfully accomplish business with foreign
collaborations this year. Those in the field of judiciary
and astrology will do exceptionally well for themselves.
Health :
Virgo natives can look forward to improving
health and daily routines with Jupiter in Taurus. You
will establish better self-care practices and a
consistent exercise regime. Managing stress and
creating a work-life balance will be your priority.
Minor health problems related to air-borne diseases
will affect you, which will get cured with medication.
Some of you will suffer from health problems such
as pain in neck, legs or digestive issues.
Wealth :
You will get serious about speculations and
invest wisely to cash in good profits. During this transit,
there is also the possibility of purchasing a large
property. You will get ample financial help from family
and friends as well as precious gifts from family
members; chances of increment are also there. There
will be gains from a new investment plan in mutual
funds and small bucket investments. You will get good
return from work-related travels, securities or bonds
that comes under the government schemes. Expenses
will arise when it comes to maintain parental property.
Women :
Jupiter will open new avenues to find higher
elevation in your career. Helpful people will enter your life, allowing you to trust and focus on what matters.
Spouse will prove to be your pillar of support during
this transit. You will be seeking new challenges, taking
on additional responsibilities or explore new avenues
for advancement. You will invest more time and effort
into building and maintaining strong connections with
your loved ones. Some of you may feel challenged,
when dealing with irritable conversations with loved
Students :
In your studies, you are likely to step up
your efforts and prove your talents around the month
of June. You will be rewarded well for your
performance in examinations. Your mental strength
and level of concentration would be better, and hence
you will be able to perform well in your studies. Many
will acquire Master's degree or a PhD in foreign land,
through scholarship, or passing an examination. Many
students will choose to possess deep knowledge over
various subjects like History, Political science, Law,
Sociology or Agriculture.
Birth Star Predictions :
Uttraphalguni (2,3,4) :
Avoid investing in land, as it
will result in losses. Also, be careful with loan
transactions this year. Your partner's expectations
might increase, which may create some
misunderstandings and conflicts. Sudden professional
setbacks will disturb your home-environment and
relationship with the family. Your spouse's health will
be affected, which may cause you some stress. Your
irritability and anger will become the reason of losing
a beneficial professional opportunity for
Hasta :
You may find yourself setting boundaries and
protecting your energy from those, who have been
taking undue advantage of your good nature. You will
become a successful entrepreneur and you will earn
returns from your investments. Guard against giving
into temptations, as it will drain you out from all profits
that you have accumulated till now. There will be
financial gains from Government Bonds or Share markets, under the guidance of financial experts.
Chitra (1, 2) :
Your inclination towards spirituality will
increase. You will also take a lot of spiritual journeys
that will bring in great positive changes in your life.
Spending time with family will help you overcome
any stress and tension. Including a healthy diet to
your routine will help you fight against any prolonged
illness. Happiness will double up in your life, as you
maintain a happy atmosphere in your life.
Vedic Remedies :
Worship Surya dev in temple and
recite His mantra. Worshipping Goddess Shri
Mahalakshmi and Shri Karthikeya will enhance your
prosperity and success. Feed elephants; Give food
and cloth to street dwellers/beggars
Lal-kitab Remedies :
Take interest in religious rituals and help others.
Keep the Gold ornaments, tied in a Yellow cloth. |
LIBRA (Tula)
Chitra (3,4), Swati, Visakha (1,2,3)
Jupiter in 8th ; Saturn in 5th till 29 March 2025 ; Rahu in 6th, Ketu in 12th.
Personal & Domestic :
benevolent aspect on your 2nd
house of family will shower your
family life with joy and positivity.
Expect family gatherings to be a source of happiness
and unity. Special occasions, from birthdays to
holidays, will be celebrated with extra flair and
togetherness. Child- birth is possible. Your diplomatic
and harmonious nature will play a crucial role in
resolving family conflicts and fostering
understanding. For couples their equation with their
partner will improve and mutual attachment will get
stronger. If you are single, you may meet someone
special, who may be from a different place or
community. You will receive the support of elders
and their suggestions will help you manage your family
and responsibilities well. Over-expectation and
communication gap will cause discords to increase
with children.
Career & Business :
You will grab opportunities that
come your way, but may not experience an expected
growth in income and rise in status. You will relocate
to a city that has very different culture than yours.
Doctors, Lawyers or Psychologists will advance towards great career success. Those in the field of
Sports will seize opportunities that align with their
professional dreams. Be careful, as obstacles will be
created by competitive partners or colleagues at the
work-place. Failure to do the task effectively will have
a ripple effect on your reputation and work. Positive
results from government-related matters resulting in
rewards from the government sector may get
Wealth :
Your initiative to make financial investments
will bring stability and strong finances. With the help
of expert's advice, you will get relief from debts and
loans. Expect good earnings through property-related
matters, gains from inheritance, or any past
investments in family property. Expenses will
increase, but for a good cause like hosting a puja or
function at home or even building or buying a new
home or a vehicle. An inheritance is likely that will
bring you gains. Consultancy services will yield good
Women :
Finding a balance between professional and
personal life will become crucial. This is the period,
in which you will experience major spiritual
transformation. Domestic matters will take up most
of your time and attention. You will need to handle
finances very carefully, as there are chances for
money-loss. Women in the food and grocery trade
will earn handsome profits.
Health :
You will be drawn to healthy lifestyle changes
and wellness practices that will boost your vitality.
There can be lack of comfort while sleeping and
workload can induce health issues. Those who are
chronic patients of diabetes and high blood pressure
must be extra careful. Minor health issues can shape
into persistent problems, if not treated on time. There
are possibilities to be troubled by chronic diseases
and will need great care and attention.
Students :
Students may face a few obstacles, but
ultimately will do well in academics. Those in the
research field may face obstructions, and they may
have to put in a lot of effort to achieve success. There
are bright chances for those who want to appear for
competitive examinations for government-jobs. Focus
and interest in studies will increase and that will open
opportunities to advance quickly in their chosen field.
Birth Star Predictions :
Chitra (3,4) :
You will get clarity over your doubts
on spiritual and religious beliefs, and it will give you peace of mind. New addition in the family will become
a cause for a celebration. Many will become good
orators or scholars, because of their high knowledge
in yoga, meditation, spirituality or religion. If applied
for any loans expect it to sanctioned in win-win terms.
You will be able to express your views and ideas
clearly and be appreciated for your work ethics.
Swati :
You will receive opportunities and support to
regain your financial strength and in fact, will revive
a few opportunities and to prove your mettle. You
will also get the right guidance and mentorship to
make the right decision in both personal and
professional life. Expect financial gains and the
accumulation of assets through unexpected or
unconventional means.
Visakha (1, 2, 3) :
This Period will be the time for
self-discovery and personal growth. Meditation will
help you control your mind. Foreign travel will be
rewarding. Company of inner circle will give you
comfort and solace. Some of you will develop interest
in mastering yoga or other holistic practices. Be
careful with your health, as you will easily catch airborne diseases.
Vedic Remedies :
Chanting Mrityunjaya mantra and
performing Mrityunjaya Homa in the prescribed
manner will give relief from health issues.
Worshipping Shri Dakshnamoorthy and chanting Guru
Gayathri mantra will boost the prosperity.
Chanting Hanuman Chalisa and worshipping Shri
Iyyappa will help to come out of the evil effects. Visit
a nearby Devi temple often, to receive positivity.
Lal-kitab Remedies :
Not to refuse any beggar.
Once a month, donate 8 carrots in any temple. |
SCORPIO (Vrischika) Visakha (4), Anuradha, Jyeshta |
Jupiter in 7th; Saturn in 4th till
29 March 2025; Rahu in 5th;
Ketu in 11th
Personal & Domestic :
period comes with an assurance
of domestic bliss, support of family and good food.
Jupiter in Taurus will bring new opportunities for
education, travel, adopting new beliefs about life,
generally a very positive period. For singles, new love
relationship will blossom out of either a strong friendship or an instant liking for someone. For
couples, this will be a period that will give rise to
challenges and arguments in their relationship. An
auspicious function will be held during this period.
You will have a strong calling to increase your
involvement in charity, spiritual practices or to
strengthen and renew your beliefs. Undertaking
foreign travel will be beneficial. Avoid getting into
any unnecessary fights.
Career & Business :
Jupiter's expansive energy will
bring forth beneficial connections, and attracting
influential mentors that will help in your career
ascend. You will be offered a new role, that will
come with more responsibilities and higher salary.
Those who work in the State affairs in the
Government or as a Diplomat will lead a prosperous
life. Collaborating with skilled people on a project
will open doors to fame. You will engage in successful
negotiations that will contribute positively to their
professional standing. Expect an opportunity at work,
upon which you will capitalize for the rest of the year.
Those in the field of writing, art or entertainment will
enjoy being in limelight. Collaboration will enhance
the status for those in marketing.
Health :
Moderation in everything is the key to good
health. Stress and anxiety can trigger some blood
pressure and indigestion related issues. Overeating
will cause increased fatigue and slothful. In addition,
people of working professions and athletes must take
care of themselves. Mood swings will heavily impact
our energy levels.
Wealth :
There will be financial gains from siblings,
cousins, or relatives. Disputes related to monetary
transaction or litigation will be resolved in your favour.
You are expected to get good returns from investments
in real estate. Gains from maternal property or past
investment is possible. Avoid getting into any highrisk investments for quick money. To meet your
financial commitments and immediate needs you will
avail loans. You will spend generously on spiritual
places, donations, buying or construction of house or
a luxury vehicle.
Women :
Keeping control over your temper will
ensure peace and harmony at home. Living to the
expectations of family will keep you under constant
stress. Due to miscommunication and
misunderstanding, serous issues will arise with
spouse. You will spend your hard-earned money on
luxury items or ornaments. People around you will
be extra supportive towards your ambitions or goals
in life. Your dream to buy your home will be fulfilled.
Travelling to different places for work or leisure will
dominate your schedule during this period. Chances
of getting married with a person from a different
religion is very strong.
Students :
You will gain financial support from parents
for further education and well-being. If you want to
start something new in your academic field, like
switching to a new subject or stream, then this period
will be perfect for you. Students studying Fine Arts
like painting or music will get good opportunity to
advance further in their pursuit. Your hard work will
please teachers and they will be eager to assist you in
every possible way. Reciting Gyatri mantra will help
you regain your lost focus.
Birth Star Predictions :
Visakha (4) :
Your health will remain good during this
period. Students will be able to enhance their
knowledge and gain more wisdom. Your new ideas
will aid you in getting success in your career. Avoid
blindly relying on coworkers, when it comes to your
performance on key projects. Arguments will increase
discord with loved ones.
Anuradha :
Going in for new major investments may
not yield high-end results. Real estate dealings will be
profitable. Being impulsive with money decisions can
result in losses. Students will successfully tackle
problems like lack of concentration in studies or lack
of interest in their academic pursuit. Conjugal harmony
is assured.
Jyeshta :
Your income will increase, but exercise
control on undue expenses. You will need to be cautious
about your health, as you could face health issues
related to digestion, stomach infection and nervous
related problems. You will gain recognition and rewards
from seniors for your hard work. Entrepreneurs will
gain more profits and emerge as winner against their
rivals. If you are seeking a job, you will land in good
company with a high pay.
Vedic Remedies:
Chant mantras of Goddess
Mahalakshmi. Worship Lord Kartikeya and Goddess
Durga, and chant their shlokas. You can feed elephants
and cows. Worship Snake-gods on Panchami Tithis.
Lal-kitab Remedies :
Do not chant religious mantras in your bedroom.
Worship Lord Shiva.
Moola, Poorvashada, Uttarashada (1) |
upiter in 6th; Saturn in 3rd till
29 March 2025; Rahu in 4th;
Ketu in 10th.
Personal & Domestic
this period, whether it is
spontaneous road trips, fun family
gatherings, or heartfelt conversations around the
dinner table, your home will be filled with laughter
and love. Expect opportunities to strengthen your love
and marital bond for couples. You might also go on
religious journeys this year. Singles will find their
soulmate, provided they get clear about what they
are looking for in a partner. Children will be extra
stubborn that will double your stress levels. Expect
ego tussles and disagreements to break out with family
or relatives. Your adventurous spirit and thirst for
freedom will clash with family responsibilities and
Career & Business :
Expect recognition and
increment at work. Through their hard work and
dedication, Lawyers, Judges or Barristers will
increase their income during this transit. Those
working for the Government, organise planner or
administrator will enjoy a good position at their workplace. You will achieve an authoritative or a prominent
position in your respective field. In business, there
will be profit along with the possibility of starting
something new. Opportunities to change job with a
good pay will come through. A phenomenal business
and a beneficial trip with your teammates are in store.
Support from father in your career-pursuit will help
open new doors of opportunities a career growth.
Health :
You might find yourself exploring new fitness
routines, eating habits, or wellness
practices. Neglecting regular exercise, indulging in
excess, or disregarding health check-ups could result
in minor setbacks. Gaining weight will be very easy,
if not mindful of what you are eating. Some may
suffer from obesity, blood pressure, weak liver, or
immune system.
Wealth :
Your willingness to explore unchartered
financial territories will bring unexpected windfall. You
will indulge in charities, donations through government
and NGO's. Investments in pharma stocks or
pesticides or any agriculture company will be
beneficial. You will avoid impulsive financial
investments in risky shares for making quick money.
Loan-related matters will reduce your stress, if
handled with care and wisdom. Investing in Gold will
help you build foundation for a secure future.
Overspending on extravagant adventures or impulsive
purchases could dent your savings. Be mindful of
impulsive Real estate dealings and consider seeking
advice from a trusted financial advisor, when in doubt.
Women :
This year Jupiter will give you the courage and ability to discern the situation and win over your
loved ones through love and compassion. You will
receive the support of elders and seniors at work
and of family and friends in personal life. You will
make a conscious effort to spend quality-time with
your loved ones. You will make travel plans with the
person, with whom you plan to get into a relationship.
The last quarter of this transit period, will help you
gain clarity over managing your finances with your
partner or spouse.
Students :
This period is lucky for students, as they
will get a chance to go to the desired place and study
the desired subject. Those appearing in competitive
examinations are in for some good news. Students
pursuing education related to polio or nursing will
achieve considerable success. Many students will
develop interest in gaining deep insight in occult
Birth Star Predictions :
Moola :
Be careful, as colleagues can subject you to
office politics. It is best to stay away from the Share
market and other speculative businesses to avoid
losses. Temporary setbacks in career will leave you
feeling dejected. Demands from seniors to
continuously improve your performance will lead to
increase in stress levels. Before getting into any
financial dealings, check the credibility of its source.
While chasing career success, do not forget to
maintain a healthy work-life balance. Effective
communication will be key to resolving any family
conflicts or misunderstandings.
Poorvashada :
Increased income through rental
property or any passive income streams will put you
into a better financial position. Woman with their
dedication will reach to a prominent role in their
career. Singles will get married to their dream-match.
Couples will lay a healthier foundation of love, by
spending time together on trips and travels, to increase
mutual understanding.
Uttarashada (1) :
Keep in mind that a little
compromise can go a long way in nurturing your love.
Your free-spirited nature may clash with your
partner's desire for stability. You might find yourself
juggling commitments and feeling torn between your
love life and your personal goals. It is crucial to strike
a balance and communicate openly to prevent
misunderstandings from snowballing with loved ones.
Travel plans conflicting with important family events
or commitments will become a case of discord with
loved ones. Incorporate relaxation practices like
meditation, yoga, or mindfulness into your routine to
reduce stress and maintain balance.
Vedic Remedies :
Worship Sri Anantha Sayana
Perumal (Sri Vishnu). Chant Mrituyunjaya mantra
and worship Sri Nanjundeswara in Nanjungod ,
Karnataka. Distribute sweets on Thursdays. Meditate
on Sri Eka-pada Moorthy Lord Shiva.
Lal-kitab Remedies :
Every Monday, donate 600gm Yellow Chana dal in
any temple.
Consult your Guru/Mentor, before starting any new
project or important work.
Uttarashada (2,3,4), Sravana, Dhanishta (1,2)
Jupiter in 5th; Saturn 2nd till 29
March 2025; Rahu in 3rd; Ketu
om 9th
Personal & Domestic :
dedication to nurture your family
relationships will create lasting memories and reinforce the foundation of love and support. Expect
memorable family gatherings, heart-felt conversations,
and moments of shared joy. Finding harmony between
your professional ambitions and family commitments
can be challenging. Singles will find their ideal partner,
but would require to sustain the relationship through
maturity and understanding. There will be chances
of travelling and spending ample time with your
spouse, which will enhance your relationship and
bonding. Victory in Court matters is assured. Jupiter
will give you the strength to accomplish many things
and wishes for your family. Your decisions and choice
of living will be misunderstood or perceived wrongly
among your social circle.
Career And Business :
Your shrewd nature will help you convert out-of-the-box ideas into success during this period. The career opportunities will be strong
and progressive, especially Auditors, Musicians and
Teachers will gain a good name and reputation. Jobseekers will have the possibility of getting promotions
in their respective fields. Business people will be
making strenuous efforts to surmount any obstructions
and overpower their competitors for consistent gains.
Those in the field of investigation will experience
growth in their position or career profile, because of
their hard work and dedication. Change in your job
location during the year will prove to be beneficial
for you.
Wealth :
You will be blessed with financial stability.
Jupiter in Taurus, especially promises profit from land
transactions. There will be opportunities to
accumulate wealth through multiple sources. As you
gain profits, your wealth will multiply along the way,
due to your past investments. You also have strong
chances of gaining long-lasting ancestral wealth. You
will have the opportunity to clear all your financial
debts, and you will also receive all delayed payments.
Good gains are guaranteed from Government-encouraged investments in Shares/Mutual Funds or
Health :
Maintaining discipline in your daily routine
will pave your path to good health. You will have
cholesterol-related problem; so it is advised to avoid
having oily and spicy food. Your health will need
proper attention to avoid ailments related to stomach
and lungs. Treating any back or lower back pain lightly
will start to hinder your daily activities later. Keeping
your diet healthy will help you withstand any physical
or mental fatigue.
Women :
Clear communication and harmonious
interactions will lead to strengthened family bonds
and resolution of any past unresolved matters. Expect
your income and status to rise for those pursuing their
career dream. Third party interferences will create
issues in your marital relationship. Keeping higher
expectations from your inner circle will result in
disappointments. Avoid getting into arguments or
unnecessary drama of other people.
Students : Students' academic performance will bring
them glory, scholarships, and merits. You will be
successful in your attempts to remain focused towards
your studies. You will get full financial support from
parents to pursue your dream aspirations. However,
those pursuing higher education can face unexpected
obstacles and hindrances. Students, who are preparing for medical examinations will need to work a little
harder, as competition will be very tough.
Birth Star Predictions :
Uttarashada (2,3,4) :
This period will be extremely
fruitful from the work point of view. Jupiter in Taurus
will give you clarity and efficiency to accomplish any
work challenge and your competitors will admire your
strong potential. Those trying for government- job
will get their desired wish. Business people will be
able to work with full zeal and enthusiasm in their
new ventures. Singles will find someone, who matches
their values and shares a good level of compatibility
in thoughts and emotions.
Sravana :
You will have setbacks with respect to
money and personal life. Halted progress of children
will put you into a constant state of worry. Managing
unexpected expenses will push towards applying for
loans. Vigilance over your money matters will be
required. Unplanned expenditures, unpredictable
speculation in Shares will lead to financial instability.
For couples, possessiveness will trigger stiffness and
insecurity in their relationship. Stress -related ailments
will increase during this transit. Maintain a polite
approach, while communicating or sharing your views
with others, including loved ones and colleagues.
Dhanishta :
Your hard work and efforts will
bless you with financial abundance, by the end of
this transit period. Success in business, especially,
benefits from foreign contacts and new projects are in
store for you. You will start scaling the ladder of
success in your career. Those trying to switch jobs
will get good employment offers. You might travel to
foreign countries, where you will be able to grab more
professional opportunities.
Vedic Remedies :
Worship Shri Karthikeya and Sri
Durga Devi, chanting slokas of these deities.
Chanting Hanuman Chalisa and worshipping Lord
Hanuman on Ekadasi day (11th day from Full Moon
and New Moon Day) will give strength to cross
challenging times. Lighting a ghee lamp in a Shri
Dhakshinamoorthy temple will boost your income.
Chant Shri Vishnu Sahasranamam daily for all round
Lal-kitab Remedies :
Not to take anything free from anybody
Once a month, clean any temple.
AQUARIUS (Kumbha) :
Dhanishta (3,4), Satabisha, Poorvabhadra (1,2,3) |
Jupiter in 4th ; Saturn in 1st till
29 March 2025; Rahu in 2nd ;
Ketu in 8th.
Personal & Domestic
period will create favourable
circumstances for you to attain growth and success,
both in personal and professional life. New friends
will enter your life, and there are strong chances of
addition to the family. There will be occasions for
small get-togethers and celebrations at home. You
will be able to tie all loose ends in your relationship.
Singles will find a good match during this
period. Effective communication will help couples to
navigate from any misunderstandings or
disagreements. There might be moments when you
feel torn between pursuing your own passions and
fulfilling familial obligations. There can be sudden
clashes of opinion with elders in the family that will
affect your relationships.
Career & Business :
This year support from seniors
and travel related to work will open new doors of
success for you. You will even get opportunities to
branch out in politics. Experienced colleagues will
enable you to work with different strategy on your
work-front, that will reveal your innovative working
skills. You will live up to the high expectations of
peers, despite the career challenges that are put on
the way by your opponents. Judges, Jurists, scholars
and economists will see their skills being recognised
and appreciated by notable people. Job-prospects will
involve short and long travels that may bring changes
in your job locations. Start-ups will receive generous
sponsorship or grants from Government.
Wealth :
There will be a continuous flow of money
throughout this period, with good earnings. You will
get ample opportunities of making your finances stable
through real estate investments. Investing in property
will yield fruitful results. There can be hurdles in
receiving financial gains or inheritance from the
family. You might also get an additional source of
income from overseas. Increased expenditure over
non-productive pursuits should be avoided to prevent
further accumulation of debt. Good gains from
investments in Shares/Mutual Funds, Government
Bonds are expected.
Health :
Ignorance in diet and hygiene can cause
some serious health issues. Many of you might be
troubled with allergies, lack of energy or breathing
issues. Negative thoughts or unnecessary thinking can
also cause stress. Spouses' health will be affected,
because of changing climate. Regularly, consult your
doctor, as chronic ailments will suddenly resurface.
Kidney-related ailments will subside, and you will
experience relief. Those in Sports will have to be
careful, as injury around shoulders or hand will
escalate, if ignored.
Women :
You will assume more maturity in your
marital life, and ensure that you stand by your spouse
under all circumstances. You will share good bond
with your mother and father. You will meet important
responsibilities and big targets at work. Your
confidence and sense of security will rise high during
this period. Take care of your health, while you are
busy meeting responsibilities and other obligations.
Students :
This year you will be rewarded for your
consistent and diligent efforts. The academic choices
you make during this period will come with extra
added benefits like scholarships, financial help for
education, and re-organization. Your intelligence and
diligence will enable you to succeed in your academics
and competitive examinations in the end. Those
aspiring to study abroad will get their wish.
Birth Star Predictions :
Dhanishta (3,4) :
Your courage and determination
will help you triumph over all challenges. Jupiter in
Taurus will bring good monetary gains from your
business that will enhance your financial stability. A
promotion may be expected, and your fame and
reputation will be on increase, due to your efforts
and wise professional moves. Expect good news,
when it comes to finances. You will be able to achieve
success in any ongoing Legal or Court matters. You
will take extra special care of your mother. People,
who are trying for a new job, may get a governmentjob. You will enjoy pink of health, and if any old
ailments have been troubling, you can expect a quick
recovery. Competitors will not stand a chance, when
it comes, to you taking over profitable markets or
expanding your clientele reach.
Satabisha :
This period is going to bring you mixed
results. You will step out of your comfort-zone, and
try new ideas on the professional front that will open
ways to get new job opportunities from abroad. You
will be handed a very important task or a key presentation that will be beneficial for your career
progress. Business people will be able to achieve
success as well as earn good profits. However, health
will need attention, as getting regular check-ups done
will help you keep any past ailments from recurring.
Those anticipating promotion will feel frustrated over
delays or empty promises of seniors. Avoid switching
career or leaving your current job, without having a
proper back up plan.
Poorvabhadra(1,2,3) :
Sudden expenses due to
family obligations, health problems, or work travels
could disrupt your financial plans. False claims of
tempting investments schemes will push you into
taking over-burdening loans. Changes in the
behavioural patterns of your partner will cause
misunderstanding and fights to escalate. Negative
thoughts or unnecessary thinking can cause stressrelated ailments to resurface. Being careless and
avoid treating health issues in early stages will push
you towards greater discomfort later.
Vedic Remedies :
Pray to Lord Sri Ganesha, before
starting any work to get success. Worship Goddess Sri
Mahalakshmi on Fridays and chant Lakshmi
Ashtothra mantra. Light ghee lamp and distribute milk
sweets, if possible, to increase your prosperity.
Chanting Rudram Chamakam and chanting Shri Guru
Gayatri for 16 times daily will give you strength to
overcome the testing period. Donate Yellow metal
(Gold) or a Yellow cloth to the temple-priests.
Lal-kitab Remedies :
Don't show your bare chest to anyone.
Do not disclose / share your financial problems to
PISCES (Meena) :
P. Bhadra(4), Uttarabhadra, Revati |
Jupiter in 3rd; Saturn in 12th till
29 March 2025. Rahu in 1st;
Ketu in 7th.
Personal & Domestic :
boundaries and open
communications are key to overcoming the challenges
and maintaining family harmony. Maintaining a better
understanding with spouse will be the key to a blissful
married life, during this period. If you are single, be
prepared to be swept off your feet by someone, who
truly understands and appreciates your sensitive, empathetic nature. Bond with your siblings will get
strengthened during this period. Your spouse will
accompany you, as you travel abroad. Visiting
pilgrimage places with family will help you restore
peace and harmony back in your life. You will get the
support of relatives in adverse times. Your natural
compassion and empathetic nature will help in
resolving any disagreements that arise with family.
Career & Business :
Listen to your intuition during
this period, because it will not lead you astray, when
it comes to making crucial career decisions. You will
successfully start a new business, deal or a project
that you have been thinking about for the past few
months. Partnerships and collaborations will yield
success. If you are in a job and seek a change, your
wishes will come true. Expect promotion with salary-raise at your current work-place. Orators and
Announcers will finally receive their career breakthrough. Those in politics or Law/justice will do
extremely well. Writers, painters and those in sports,
especially Chess players or cricketers will have a
busy period ahead.
Wealth :
You will be preparing clever ways of
bringing in more income and re-examining what brings
you confidence and fulfilment. There will be increased
level of savings and financial gains from family. You
will hit the mark of expected growth and savings with
a good number of financial gains along with increment.
There will also be gains from elder siblings and
overseas connections. You will get the foreign
connection or enter foreign trade that will open more
sources of income. You can expect support and easysanction of loans. Loss can be there, when investing
in start-up, due to ignorance. Investments in stock or
bonds will give more returns. Steady flow of income
will help you get rid of any long-standing debt during
this transit.
Health :
Taking on too much of work or
responsibilities will cause you to feel low in energy
and drowsy. Some will get into bad dietary habits
that will bring issues with digestion and weight. You
will be expected to bear the medical expense of
someone from your spouse's family. Sleep disorders
will give rise to minor health ailments, if not careful.
Take utmost care from minor accidents, while driving
a car or handling any electrical or fire equipment's.
Women :
Your words and presence will be specially
inspiring to the people around you. It will be easy for
you to make meaningful connections with others in your everyday life. You also need to be careful about
over-spending on enhancing your attire, clothes,
parties, on friends and family. Your feelings towards
someone close to you will change, prompting you to
trust them further or set necessary boundaries. There
are strong chances of illusion, mood swings, conflicts,
and detachment, which will cause disturbances in your
marital life. Constant clashes with family members
will make you reluctant to communicate or resolve
any lingering issues.
Students :
For those seeking higher education, the
start of this transit period will be auspicious. Your
determination to achieve your aim will help you
overcome any academic challenge. There will be
opportunities for exceptional rewards and
achievement for students in the management and
artistic sectors. If you intend to study abroad, the
first and second quarters can be considered more
beneficial. Many of you will enrol in a course to
upgrade their skills to attract promotion or high-pay
job. Those studying Law, Journalism, Fashion, Writing
or Painting will get multiple promising job-offers.
Birth Star Predictions :
Purvabhadrapada (4) :
Be cautious with risky
ventures, and remember that not every opportunity
is as promising as it seems. Loss can be there in
property- related matters, due to ignorance. Conflicts
will arise with partner, which will be resolved through
honest communication and compromise. You are
advised to get all your routine medical check-ups done
on a regular basis, to avoid any health issue from
Uttarabhadra :
You should try to avoid the use
of harsh speech and curb your tendency to criticize
others. Rising pressure from seniors to perform better
will double up your stress levels. Businessmen,
through their intelligence, will make huge profits. You
will do very well as far as your profession is
concerned. The bond between you and your partner
will deepen, and you will find new levels of intimacy
and understanding. In health matters, caution is
needed, as you will be prone to pain in legs and back
Revati :
This Jupiter transit period will bestow
happiness and prosperity in all aspects of your life,
be it professionally or personally. There will also be
several opportunities from abroad for business
expansion for the self-employed. If you work in an
MNC or a foreign/international organization, you will
particularly enjoy perks or bonuses. You will be
inclined towards your religious activity and will also
experience spiritual growth and awakening.
Vedic Remedies :
- Worshipping Shri Dakshinamoorthy on Thursdays
and chanting Shri Guru Gayathri 16 times daily will
help to traverse in tricky times.
- Worshipping Shri Sanaischaran and Shri Hanuman
may reduce your bad karma.
- Chanting Shri Vishnu Sahasranamam daily can help
you get success in your endeavours and get recouped
from illness.
- Visit Lord Balaji in Tirumala-Tirupati temple during
this transit period.
Lal-kitab Remedies :
Serve your guests nicely and respectfully.
Don't flatter anyone.
In India:
The Manager
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Phone : +(91)-(44)-28460245
+(91)-(44)-28460245 / 28460517
E-mail :
stars@starteller.com |
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