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By : Na. Maghudeeswaran
A person's signature is as unique as his finger prints. It offers psychological insight into the past, present and future.

Here is a golden opportunity to have your signature analysed.

Name : Jag Mohan Singh, Secunderabad.


Positive Traits :
1. You dont back out from anything.
2. You are capable of contemplating about and analysing issues efficiently.

Negative Traits:
1. Since you are over-cautious, success is also post-poned.
2. You get caught in emotional traumas. You have inherited this trait since birth.

Future : By the end of 1998. You will experience some change of place. You will achieve sound economical status from 1999 October onwords.

Guidance : The slant of your signature should be shifted to straight horizontal position. Draw an underscore after applying your signature. Avoid dots (.)

Favourable Colours : Red, Blue, Grey.

Name : Yatin J. Patel, Vijayawada.


Positive Traits :
1. You are conscious of whatever you speak or do.
2. Your executive skill is readily to be appreciated.

Negative Traits:
1. You remain detached and unsociable.
2. You tend to differ from general consensus and ideas.

Future : The letter strokes of rectangle in your writing reflects that you are a go-getter and achiever, financially.

Guidance : The slant of your signature should be shifted to horizontal position. No need of underscore and dots.

Favourable Colours : Blue, Grey, Green and Red.

Name : Uttam Chand Jain, Chennai.


Positive Traits :
1. Crystal clear in your views.
2. You possess moderate character without affecting anybody.

Negative Traits:
1. To draw attention, you try to put on airs but eventually end up gathering enemies.
2. You are excessively prone to anger.

Future : After 2002 April, you might be giving added attention to look after your health. The year 2003 will bring 100% success in all endeavours.

Guidance : Your signature has a successful trait. Therefore continue writing in the same trend.

Favourable Colours : Sky blue, Magenta, Grey.

Name : Anup Khandelwal, Calcutta.


Positive Traits :
1. You dont indulge in anything unnecessarily.
2. Straight-forward attitude is there.

Negative Traits:

1. You have developed a limited circle.
2. Always remember that you arent all that daring as you look.

Future : The letter strokes in your writing style, "k", "w", "d" and "a" confirm that youll be very successful in life. From 1999 October onwards, life will be successful.

Guidance : The slant of the signature is good. So maintain the same.
Favourable Colours : Yellow, Blue, Orange.

Name : Dr. P. Venkataramana, Raichur.


Positive Traits :
1. You have excellent Brain-Waves.
2. You stop yourself from being narrow-minded.

Negative Traits:

1. Your miserly nature can engulf you in confusions.
2. You are highly excitable and of sensitive nature.

Future : By changing your signature as per guidance below, youll get strong grip in your business activities from 1999 March onwords.

Guidance : Your signature should be shifted to angle 15°. No need of underscore and dots.

Favourable Colours : Grey, Blue, Red and White.

Name : Miss. R. Preme, Bangalore.

Positive Traits :
1. Can get good respect and acclamation from others.
2. You work sincerely.
3. You know how to lead a successful life.

Negative Traits:
1. You are a spend thrift.
2. You have adamant thoughts as well.

Future :
You will have very straight-forward and high-thinking spouse. By the end of 1999 February, you will realise some change of place.

Guidance : Excellent signature. Continue it.

Favourable Colours :
Green, Yellow, White.

Name : M.R.E. Manjunath, Bangalore.

Positive Traits :
1. Your involuntary reflex is strong enough to keep you on guard at all times.
2. Your propensity drives you in a proper way.

Negative Traits:
1. You spend a lot of time and money for opulence and luxury.
2. To draw attention, you try to put on airs but eventually end up gathering enemies.

Future : Your signature shows that you would get a strong grip on life from the year 1999.

Guidance : Draw your signature 15° high. No need of any underscore and dots (...)

Favourable Colours : Pink, Yellow, White.

Name : S. Venugopal, Chennai.

Positive Traits :
1. Your instinct keeps preventing you from faults.
2. You are self-confident fore-warned. You plan your life to your self-satisfaction.

Negative Traits:
1. You are sceptical.
2. You are highly excitable and sensitive.

Future : The design of your signature reflects that you should wait till 1998 October for the most successful tenure.

Guidance : Draw your signature without any underscore and dots.

Favourable Colours : Sky blue, Grey, brown and Orange.

Name : A. Subramanya Bhat, Mumbai.

Positive Traits :
1. You have a lot of self-respect.
2. You are courageous.

Negative Traits:
1. You tend to be adamant sometimes.
2. You imagine unnecessary things about people around you.

Future : Your signature reflects that you should wait till 1997 November for the most successful time.

Guidance : The slant of your signature should be shifted to an angle of 15°, on the right side. No need of any underscore and dots.

Favourable Colours : White, Red, Orange and Pink.

Name : Mohammed Ibrahim, Tumkur.

Positive Traits :
1. You socialize very much. You dont have inferiority complex.
2. You are self-confident.

Negative Traits:
1. You are of highly excitable and sensitive nature.
2. You tend to differ from general concensus and ideas.

Future : The oval and box cutting in your writing style indicates that youll envisage a satisfactory and stable financial status from 1999 April onwards.

Guidance : Draw your signature in horizontal position.

Favourable Colours : Green, White, Yellow and Magenta.

Name : Om Parkash Khera, Delhi.

Positive Traits :
1. You will not expose all your inner thoughts, but you are capable of accurate decisions.
2. You will not trust anybody at once.

Negative Traits:
1. You are capable of acting indepently, on your own. Sometimes this would be your negative trait as well.
2. On most occasions, in all matters, you behave over-confidently.

Future : Your financial position will be extremely satisfactory from January99 onwards.

Guidance : Excellent signature. Maintain the same.

Favourable Colours : Mejantha, White, Grey and Sky blue.

Name : Naresh Monga, New Delhi.

Positive Traits :
1. Your wisdom dominates all your approaches.
2. You are always directed by your brain to be highly analytical. You have deep concentration. This has been genetically inherited.

Negative Traits:
1. You spend a lot of time on opulence and luxury.
2. You do not express yourself freely in any matter at the right moment.

Future : You can always look for favourable results, if you involve yourself., in business activities.

Guidance : The slant of your signature should be shifted to the right and be at angle of 30° high. No need of any underscore and dots.

Favourable Colours : Grey, Yellow and Green.

Useful Tips
1. Generally never apply the signature by clustering the alphabets together. This is an indication of sickness.
2. The signature should not be very long with lengthy tail strokes.
3. It is better to apply signature in Mountain roof style.
4. Never leave space in-between the alphabets.
5. Signature should not be slant (inclined) towards left. This indicates unfavourable associations and stubbornness.

Thanks for the tremendous response. Every signature we receive will definitely find a place in EST in due course. Please continue to extend your invaluable encouragement and co-operation.
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