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By : Hemamalini Raghunathan

The amulet works psychologically on the subconscious as a constant reminder of what you wish to achieve and strengthens the power of positive thinking.

The amulet is an ancient proven alternative to complex ritual magic. Amulets subconsciously help love, healing, ESP, money, White Light Power, protection loved ones and more. With amulet power, you can control your destiny and change your life.

"Yena baddho bali raajaa daanavendro Mahaabalah tena tvam abhibadhnaami rakshe maa Cala Maa Cala"
(I tie on you that whereby Bali, the very powerful king of demons, was bound. O protective amulet! Dont slip off, dont slip off!

The Puranas describe how Indra, the king of Gods, was able to regain his sovereignty (after a humiliating defeat at the hands of the demons) due to the power of the amulet tied on his hand by his queen after some austerities. This is the origin of the Rakshabandhan festival. The rakshas or rakhis, prepared out of golden or yellow threads, with amulets, are first worshipped and then tied on the right hand. In some communities, this tying is done by priests uttering the above mantra seeking protection from the amulet.

In ancient times amulets were worn for good fortune and protection against evil! The amulet was an object of beauty that attracted and absorbed the lethal first glance of the evil eye away from the wearer and psychologically rendered the evil harmless. Modern day psychologists agree that the subconscious controls every word, deed and action in our conscious lives. The amulet works psychologically on the subconscious as a constant reminder of what you wish to achieve and strengthens the power of positive thinking. The amulet is an ancient proven alternative to complex ritual magic! Amulets subconsciously help love, healing, ESP, money, White Light Power, protection of loved ones and more. With amulet power you can control your destiny and change your life!

The word TALISMAN is believed to have come from Arabic as there are great similarities in that language. One of the root words means to make marks as would a magician. The word AMULET is derived from the Latin Amuletum and is a magical object. At one time there was a difference between an amulet and a talisman in that a talisman was made for a specific task, and an amulet had broader uses. With time, down through the centuries, this difference disappeared, and today, an amulet or talisman is considered one and the same as far as having magical powers is concerned.

From the earliest times, there has been a strong belief in the cosmic influence on human lives and events. They believed that there was a natural affinity between certain planets and certain colours, metals, animals and planets. Magicians called these affinities correspondences. They were convinced that by understanding and using these correspondences correctly, they would be able to draw on the power of the planets. This system of correspondences is the basis of all ritual magic, where the talismans play important role. A talisman or amulet is an object that is worn or carried as a charm. It serves the purpose of either attracting or repelling various influences. To be effective, a planetary talisman should be made at a time when the relevant planet is pouring out its influence at maximum intensity, and should consist of an image engraved on the stone or metal associated with the planet. There was also a popular belief that the talisman should be made by the person who is going to wear it.

Amulets and lucky charms are sold in great numbers, although charm bracelets now have a more or less decorative function. Most people have their own personal lucky charm-something they carry with them to examinations and important interviews or on journeys to assure safety.

Here are some amulets from different cultures and ages:

art An Eskimo charm representing white whale. The blue beads have mystical powers
A bead amulet worn by children of the Hadza tribe in Central Africa until the middle of the 20th century. This amulet was meant to protect the children from the evil and mystical effects associated with the calls of birds
Egyptian funerary charms from the Pharasonic Middle kingdom (2133-1786 B.C.) These were supposed to help the deceased on the journey after death.
Northern Indian amulet of the early 13th century. This one, with the embossed figure, was worn by women who married widowers to protect them against the possibly maligant jealousy of the deceased wife.

The ancients inscribed this mystic word on a slip of parchment and fastened it around their necks. Thus worn, the individual was supposed to be protected from evil spirits and notably, from the dreaded evil eye. The word had to be written in this form:


It will be seen that the word can be read along the top line and also down and up the two sloping sides.

The luck of a Horse Shoe :

The use of a horseshoe to bring good luck and keep away evil is based on an old Gypsy folk tale. There were four demons named Unhappiness, Bad Lucks, Ill Health, and Death. One evening a Gypsy was riding his favourite horse, traveling home in the gathering dusk when, as he crossed a bridge, the four demons came galloping out of the woods and started to chase him. The Gypsy managed to keep ahead of them as they raced across fields, jumped hedges, and ran along roads. But Bad Luck started to gain on him. The two horsemen drew away from the other three demons, then, as they crossed a road, the Gypsys horse threw a shoe. The horseshoe flew through the air and hit Bad Luck in the forehead, knocking him from his horse and killing him. The Gypsy stopped to pick up the shoe and continued on to his campground. The other three demons took their dead brother and buried him. The Gypsy nailed up the horseshoe over the door of his vardo, telling the rest of the tribe how it had killed Bad Luck, The next day the three demons came looking for the Gypsy but when they saw, hanging over the door, the horseshoe that had killed Bad Luck, they turned tail and fled.

If a Gypsy finds a horseshoe lying on the ground with its open end toward him and the calks pointing upward (the calks are the toes on the end of the shanks of the shoe), then he will pick it up and throw it over his left shoulder while spitting. If the open ends is toward him but the calks are down, then he will pick up the shoe and hang it on the nearest tree branch or fence, so that the bad luck may run out of it. He will again spit before continuing on. But if the horseshoe is lying with the closed end toward him (calks up or down), it is a sign of good luck and he may, if he wishes, pick it up and take it home hang over his door. Whether he takes it with him or not, he will be lucky that day. A hung horseshoe should always, of course, have the open end up and the closed end down, to hold in the good luck. In the modern days also, it is used to decrease the effects of Sade-sati and malefic effects of Saturn in general.
Bamboo and Serpent :

A very old talisman, often seen depicted in ancient documents, consists of a ring bearing a number of triangles. Lying on the ring is a serpent crossed with a stick of bamboo, which invariably bears 7 knots. The ring stands for eternity which, like the ring, never ends. The triangles on the ring symbolise the Trinity. The 7-knotted bamboo stood for the seven degrees of learning which had to be acquired by all who aspired to rank among the learned. The serpent is also an additional sign of wisdom. This talisman was worn by all who attempted to gain skill and knowledge of a high degree.

People who live near the sea regard the anchor as a symbol of hope, safety and good fortune.

This amulet represents the Sun, which is spoken of as The Eye of Day. It is symbolical of the All-seeing Eye of the Deity. The open eye charm was used to forfend against evils of enchantment, enmity and diseases of all kinds. A talisman embodying both the eyes together (both Sun and Moon) used to be prepared on the New Moon day falling during the months of Cancer or Leo. These are the signs of Moon and Sun. During these months, Sun is nearer the summer solstice and possesses its greatest strength which it transfers to the Moon. Double source of protection and strength are invoked by this combination.

It is a symbol of wealth, fertility and good fortune. Symbol of Dolphin brings success to artists.

Usually it represents the hand of Fatima, who was the daughter of Prophet Mohammed. The fingers of the hand stand for the qualities of Hospitality, Generosity, strength and Goodness. This charm is supposed to imbue these virtues on the person who carries it.

It is a symbol of enduring love. Lovers give a mascot of this shape to each other as a testimony of their affections.

The Greek Key, portrayed in many different patterns, symbolises life. A group of three keys stands for love, wealth and health.
Lady birds:

These creatures are supposed to bring financial luck to the possessor, but only as long as no harm is done to them. Accordingly, people wear imitation ladybirds, so that they may enjoy the luck without causing any harm to the creatures.

It is an unending eternity. Wearing it during marriage is symbolic of a vow made which is to be kept for eternity.

It is a very ancient mascot for luck and prosperity. The word Swastika is derived from Sanskrit, meaning purveyor of good fortune. This symbol is attributed to Lord Ganesha. It makes our best efforts to succeed.

It is in universal use as a sacred emblem and has undergone many variations of from. The simplest of these is the one formed by two straight lines, one being vertical and the other superimposed upon it horizontally. It wards off diseases, especially that of the skin. It preserves your beauty. People of different religions wear their gods and goddesses as lockets to protect them. Symbol of Aum, planetary signs and birthday signs (Aries to Pisces, generally Sun signs) are also worn for luck.
Rare articles of occult significance (Yantra and Tantra):

Spatika shivlinga (made of crystal) kept in pujas is supposed to keep one free from worries. Parad Shivlinga (an alloy of Silver and Mercury) is used in Tantrik practices. Rudrakshas are thought to be very sacred and are available in Nepal with different number of faces. Five-faced Rudrakshas are commonly used for protection against evil. One-faced Rudraksha is the most auspicious one. Pandits ad Tantriks wear this to make their practices more effective. It is an embodiment of Lord Shiva. There is another rare variety called Gauri Shankar Rudraksha in which two Rudraksha specimen are united together. Saligrams are also kept in poojas in our households. It is thought to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Cats chord, tooth of boar, horn of Jackal (Siyar Singhi), Hatha Jodi (a herb), one-eyed coconut, Shankh (sea-shell with right-side opening), idol of Lord Ganesha made of white oak plant) are some of the rarest tankrik articles which can bring all-round prosperity to the household.

A talisman or amulet, worn or kept on person, gives a lot of assurance to him. By looking at the amulets often (may be unwittingly), one will feel a little relived that a superior power stays with him and protects him.
Wear the Amulet and Feel the Power.
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