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By Vandana Devah Khatar

Significant Transits of Planets in 2024, making notable impact on Share Market

Jupiter : Since the beginning of the year, Jupiter will be transiting through Aries sign. It will move to Taurus sign on 1st May. From 9th October onwards, it will move in Retrograde direction. It will set in the West on 6th May, and will rise in the East on 2nd June.

Saturn : Since the beginning of the year, Saturn will be transiting through Aquarius sign. It will set in the West direction on 12th February, and will rise in the East direction on 17th March. It will move in Retrograde direction on 29th June, and will assume Direct motion on 15th Nov.

Rahu / Ketu : Throughout the year, Rahu and Ketu (Mean) will transit through Pisces & Virgo respectively.

Uranus : Since the beginning of the year, Retrograde Uranus will be transiting through Aries sign. It will assume Direct motion from 27th January and move to Taurus on 1st June. It will turn Retrograde from 1st September onwards and will move to Aries on 13th December.

Neptune : Throughout the year, it will transit through Pisces sign. It will turn Retrograde on 2nd July and will assume direct motion on 8th December.

Pluto :   Throughout the year, it will transit through Capricorn. It will turn Retrograde on 2nd May & will resume Direct motion on 12th October.

Mars :  It will rise in the East on 17th January and will move in Retrograde direction from 6th December onwards

Venus : Throughout the year, it will move in Direct motion. It will set in the East on 24th April and will rise in the West on 7th July.

Mercury Set and Rise Dates
Set Rise
10th February13th March
4th April19th April
3rd June 25th June
12th August 26th August
15th September20th October
30th November11th December

Mercury Retrograde and Direct motion Dates
Retrograde Direct
 2nd January
2nd April 25th April
5th August28th August
26th November15th December

These are significant dates in stocks of banking, finance, FMCG, logistics and commodity trading.

Jupiter Set and Rise Dates
Set Rise
6th May 2nd June

Jupiter retrograde and direct motion dates
Retrograde Direct
9th October 4th February 2025

Jupiter's transit in various constellations
Beginning of the year till 3rd February Aswini
3rd February to 16th AprilBharini
16th April to 13th JuneKrittika
13th June to 20th AugustRohini
20th August to 28th NovemberMrigsira
28th November onwardsRohini

Saturn's transit in various constellations
Beginning of the year till 6th April Satabisha
6th April to 3rd October P.Bhadra
3rd October to 27th December Satabisha
27th December till year end P.Bhadra

Mean Rahu's transit in various constellations
Beginning of the year till 8th July Revati
8th July onwards U.Bhadra

Mean Ketu's transit in various constellations
Beginning of the year till 4th March Chitra
4th March to 10th November Hasta
10th November onwards U.Phalguni

Dates of close conjunction of two planets
Date Planets Sign
27th Jan Mars & MercurySagittarius
22nd FebruaryMars & VenusCapricorn
28th FebruarySun & Mercury Aquarius
28th FebruarySaturn & Mercury Aquarius
29th FebruarySun & Saturn Aquarius
19th MarchMercury & Rahu Pisces
22nd March Venus & Saturn Aquarius
5th April Sun & Rahu Pisces
10th April Mars & Saturn Aquarius
12th AprilSun & MercuryPisces
19th April Mercury & VenusPisces
18th MaySun & JupiterTaurus
18th MayMars & RahuPisces
23rd MayJupiter & Venus Taurus
4th JuneSun & Venus Taurus
4th JuneMercury & Jupiter Taurus
15th JuneSun & MercuryGemini
17th JuneMercury & VenusGemini
8th August Mercury & VenusLeo
14th August Mars & Jupiter Taurus
19th AugustSun & Mercury Leo
1st October Sun & MercuryLeo
6th December Sun & MercuryScorpio

Mars & Saturn will remain in 6/8 axis to each other from 20th October onwards Cosmetics, FMCG, Textiles, Fashion clothing, Dairy, Gold, Copper, Plywood, Chemicals, Fertilizers, White goods and Banking sector companies will remain favourite of the long-term investors.


On the first trading session of the year, Sun and Mars in Sagittarius will get aspect from Jupiter in Aries. This will not let the Bulls take full control on the stocks of PSUs, Copper and Defence sector companies. Mercury and Venus in Scorpio will get aspect from Saturn in Aquarius. This will create demand in the stocks of banks & finance sector companies. The chief planet of commerce & business, Mercury, will move in Direct motion from Tuesday 2nd. Planetary placement is indicating that the sentiments will remain hesitantly bUllish on the indices in the first week of the new year. Venus will enter Sagittarius on 18th and will conjoin with Mars & Mercury. This trio will get aspect from Jupiter. The Bulls will get courage to enter the arena. Stocks of the plywood and chemicals sector companies will remain darling of the investors. With the advent of Sun in Sravana nakshatra on 24th, the stocks of Gold, Silver, FMCG, Rice, Sugar and Textiles sector companies will see an upsurge in demand.


Mars will enter Uttarashada nakshatra and conjoin Mercury on 1st. On 2nd, Mercury will enter Capricorn and conjoins Sun. Gold and Silver will shine on MCX on the first trading session of the month. Mercury will set in the East on 10th. The stocks of commerce and finance-related companies will rest & take a back-seat. Monday the 13th will witness the advent of Sun in Aquarius to conjoin Saturn. Volatility will be seen in the indices. Trade cautiously. Mars will enter Sravana nakshatra on 18th. This will induce Bullish sentiments in the market. The stocks of Copper, Paints, Fertilizers & Chemicals sector companies will remain in the buying list of the traders & investors. The Bulls will smile on 20th, as Sun enters Satabisha nakshatra and Venus enters Sravana nakshatra. Long-term investors will place Bullish bets on the stocks of Gold, Silver, PSUs and specialty sector companies. The Bulls will play their cards well, to maintain optimism in the market till the end of the month.


Combust Mercury will enter it's debilitated sign Pisces and conjoin with Rahu on 7th. Gradually the sentiments will become Bullish. Mercury will rise in the West on 13th. Bullish trend in the indices will be noticed. The stocks of banking, FMCG, finance and insurance sector companies will see rise in the demand. The stockholders of HDFC AMC, Bajaj Finserv, Bajaj finance, Varun Beverages and P&G are likely to gain from their investments. Mars will conjoin Venus & Saturn in Aquarius on 15th. Silver, Cotton and textiles sector will see upsurge in demand. Black Pepper will rise in NCDEX. The Bears should place tight stop-loss orders, as Mars will keep the trend positive till 18th. Mars will enter Satabisha nakshatra on 24th. Mars is conjoined with Venus & Saturn. This is a Bullish combination for bullion and cotton. Buy on every dip strategy will help the traders gain profits. Sun will enter Revati nakshatra on 31st. Venus will enter its exalted sign Pisces and thereby conjoin with Sun & Rahu. This astral phenomenon is capable of creating sudden demand in Silver on MCX. Buying Silver on every dip and placing GTT orders to sell will cheer the traders.


On 1st, Mercury, the planet of commerce, finance and banking will turn Retrograde in Aries. Jupiter will enter fourth pada of Bharani nakshatra. The conjunction of Mercury & Jupiter will be aspected by Saturn. Bank Nifty will see up move, Day-traders are suggested NOT TO carry the long positions. Retrograde Mercury will set in the West on 4th. The indices are likely to close Northwards. The stocks of beverages, textiles and finance sector companies will contribute in Bullish sentiments. Retrograde Mercury will enter Revati nakshatra on 9th and will conjoin Sun, Venus & Rahu in Pisces. This astral phenomenon will ignite the Bullish sentiments in the market. Bullish sentiments will continue till 16th. The Bulls might take rest on 22nd, but as Mars enters Pisces on 23rd, the traders with positive outlook will get encouraged to take interest in buying the stocks of IT, Gold, Silver and beverages sector companies. It is advisable to keep booking partial profit from the gainful positions time to time.


Jupiter will enter Taurus on 1st. Political and business atmosphere will be a little upsetting. This will keep the traders under confusion. Prudent investors will make use of every dip as buying opportunity in the quality stocks. Venus will enter Bharni nakshatra on 5th, and will conjoin Sun. Short term traders are advised to keep booking profit on every rise. The planet of abundance, Jupiter, will set in the West on 6th. This will create a feel of scarcity in the market; with the result, the rates of the front-runner stocks will go up. Mercury will enter Aries sign on 10th, and will conjoin Sun & Venus. Stocks of IT, Electronics, Electrical & Capital goods sector companies will become darling of the traders & investors. Banking stocks will see upsurge in demand on 21st, as Mercury enters Bharani nakshatra. Sun will enter Rohini nakshatra on 24th. The Bears will get a chance to enter Nifty at lower rates. The prudent investors will make use of every dip in the rates as buying opportunity. On the last trading session of the month, Mercury will enter Taurus sign, and conjoin Sun, Jupiter & Venus. Indices will move upwards after showing initial volatility.


Mars will enter its own sign Aries on 1st.Aspect of Saturn on Mars is capable of inducting Bullish sentiments in the Share bazaar. Smart traders will keep booking profit time to time. On 7th, Sun and Venus will conjoin in Mrigasira nakshatra. Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus-all are conjoined in earthy sign Taurus. The stocks of Capital goods, FMCG and broking sector companies will witness upsurge in demand. Venus, the planet of luxuries & comforts, will enter dual sign Gemini on 12th. Market will witness both types of sentiments. Trend will be volatile, before turning Bullish. The stocks of Silver, paints, specialty chemicals and hospitality industry will become darling of the investors. Sun will conjoin Venus in Gemini on 14th. The stocks of IT, Banking, Finance, Trading and Insurance sector companies will remain in the Bulls' buying list. Sun will enter Arudra nakshatra on 21st, and conjoin with Mercury & Venus. Rice stocks will see Uptrend. Silver will shine on MCX. With the advent of Mercury in Punarvasu nakshatra on 24th, Silver is likely to lose its sheen on MCX. Saturn will move in Retrograde direction from 29th. Traders at MCX should remain cautious in their long positions, as sudden change of trend can't be ruled out.


Venus will enter Cancer sign on 7th and will conjoin Mercury. Mars will aspect this conjunction. Metals will shine at MCX. With the advent of Mars in Krittika nakshatra and rise of Venus in the West, the indices will run by positive sentiments. Mars will enter Taurus sign on 12th and will conjoin Jupiter. This Bullish phenomenon will make the traders with long positions, smile. Copper, Power, Pesticides and Defence sector stocks will help the indices to move Upwards. After experiencing low sentiments from 16th, the Bulls will have a sigh of relief from 19th. 19th July will witness the advent of Sun in Pushya nakshatra & Mercury in Makha nakshatra. Mercury in Leo will get aspect from Mars and Saturn. This will add fuel of positive sentiments in the Bullish fire. With the advent of Venus in Ashlesha on 20th, the Bullish movements will get checked. The indices are likely to face Bears' wrath after 21st. The traders with long positions need to be careful. Fiery planet Mars will enter Rohini nakshatra on 26th. This astral phenomenon will induce swift Bullish sentiments in the market.


Mercury in Leo will assume Retrograde motion on 5th . Saturn's aspect on the conjunction of Venus & Mercury will prompt the traders to place Bullish bets on the stocks of Banking, Finance, broking and FMCG sector companies. On 12th, Retrograde Mercury in Leo will become Combust. This will induce positive sentiments in the market. Nifty is likely to move upwards. The stocks of Iron, Steel, Plywood, Realty and Finance sector companies will help the Nifty to go Northwards. Sun will enter Leo sign and will conjoin Mercury & Venus on 16th. This trio will be aspected by Mars & Saturn. Nifty will move upwards initially, but will succumb to the Bears' attack. The traders are advised to remain careful in their positions, as the sentiments can take a U-turn, after showing positive signs. On 22nd , retrograde Mercury will enter Cancer sign. Also, Venus will enter Uttaraphalguni. This will create volatility in the market. Venus will enter its debilitated sign Virgo on 24th and will conjoin Ketu. Nifty will experience volatility, before showing mild Bullish attitude.


Venus will enter Hasta nakshatra on 1st. Venus, conjoined with Ketu, is getting aspect from Mars. Bullion (Gold, Silver), Rice and Cotton will remain on the radar of the traders. The stocks of Banking, Finance and Insurance sector companies will take a back-seat after leading the market on 4th. Silver will lose its sheen on 6th as Mars enters Arudra nakshatra. The market is likely to remain volatile, yet the undercurrent sentiments will remain positive till 12th.Steel stocks will rise on 13th. The market sentiments will fizzle out on 16th, after cheering the Bulls. The traders with long positions are advised to keep booking profit from time to time. With the advent of Venus in Libra on 18th, the Bulls will have a sigh of relief. Stocks of Paints, White goods, Automobiles and AI sector companies will attract the traders. The traders of Nifty with long positions can have relaxed mind till 22nd. On 23rd, Mercury will enter Virgo, and Venus will enter Swati nakshatra. The stocks of Silver, Rice, Dairy, paints and FMCG sector companies will witness rise in demand.


Retrograde Saturn will enter Satabisha nakshatra on 3rd . This Bullish phenomenon will see upsurge in demand of Crude at MCX, Black pepper at NCEDX and stocks of Rice & Steel companies at stock exchanges. Sun will enter Chitra nakshatra on 10th to conjoin Mercury there. Metals will shine at MCX. Nifty is likely to witness upward trend on 17th, as Sun enters Libra.Venus will enter Scorpio on 13th and will get aspects from Jupiter & Saturn. This will induce positive sentiments in the demand of grains at NCEDX, Cotton, Silver at MCX. Nifty will also witness Bullish trend. Mars will enter Cancer on 20th. This will establish 6/8 relation with Saturn. This will initiate fresh Bullish trend in the stocks of Petroleum, Crude, Sugar & Copper sector companies. MCX will also witness demand in Crude & Copper. The Bullish traders of Nifty will have more than one reasons to smile. Retrograde Jupiter will enter Mrigasira nakshatra on 25th. Venus and Jupiter are opposite to each other. Sentiments can take a sudden turn. The traders are advised to remain cautious.


Mercury in Anuradha nakshatra on 1st, is likely to create volatility in the stock market. The traders are cautioned to put tight stop-loss in the system. The Bearish opinions will keep the sentiments low till 5th. With the advent of Sun in Visakha nakshatra and Venus in Sagittarius, the market is likely to come out of the grip of the Bears. Saturn, being aspected by Mars, will assume Direction motion from 15th . The rates of the stocks of Textiles, Cotton, Petroleum and Crude sector companies are likely to move Northwards. Sun will enter Scorpio on 16th, and conjoin Mercury. Aspect of Saturn will create demand in the stocks of Woollen garment, Sugar, Textiles, Cotton sector companies. At MCX, Gold & Silver will shine. As Mercury in Scorpio, conjoined with Sun & being aspected by Saturn assumes Retrograde motion from 26th, the stocks of banking sector companies will cheer the Bulls. Retrograde Mercury will become combust on 30th. This astro phenomenon is capable of taking nifty in North direction. Traders are suggested to keep booking profit time to time.


With the advent of Sun in Jyeshta nakshatra on 2nd, demand will be created in the stocks of Gold, Silver, Rice & Sugar sector companies. This Bullish trend will further get strengthened on 7th, as Mars in Cancer assumes Retrograde motion. The stocks of Crude, Petroleum, Heavy industries, Sugar and Dairy sector companies will move Upwards. The Bears are advised to trade very cautiously with tight stoploss in the system, as the stars are likely to support the Bulls during the first half of the month. The traders with long positions are advised to remain careful till 21st , as Bullish sentiments may slow down. Prudent investors will make use of every dip as buying opportunity. Mercury will enter Jyeshta nakshatra on Tuesday, 24th. This astral phenomenon will bring cheers to the Bulls, as the stocks of Nifty, Banks, FMCG, broking firm and Finance sector companies will witness rise in demand. Important astral phenomena is taking place on 28th, as Sun will enter Poorvashada, and Venus will conjoin Saturn in Aquarius. The last few days of the month will favour the traders of Silver & Crude with Bullish outlook.


These inferences are purely based on planetary conditions. Neither the editor/publisher, nor the author is responsible for any loss. These astrological inferences are neither an invitation nor a suggestion / recommendation to trade in the Stock Market. Consult the Registered Financial Advisor, before investing. The author may have invested in mentioned stocks


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