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Case Studies

Palm mirrors your life

By G.S.Mohan Viswanathan

Lines, Mounts, Crosses and Islands on the palm reveal not only the past and the present, but also the future i.e. the four main portals of your life, namely health, wealth, happiness and longevity. Read your hand to get timely guidance and avoid unnecessary problems lying in your way.
IT has been scientifically proved that our mind and palm are solely responsible for the behavioural and emotional co-ordination. Down’s syndrome and other congenital disorders due to retarded growth can be perceived through the peculiar features of the hand.

The world is changing very fast and today’s life-style is quite different from what it was. The e- world is opening up great opportunities. The long queues of youth at the Visa counters are a testimony to the lucrative opportunities abroad. We can see a remarkable evidence in the palms of the present generation who are preparing to fight their way against the powerful forces of the natural elements, Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Their ambition is that the four portals of their life, namely, Health, Wealth, Happiness and Longevity will culminate into a reality. Accidents, bankruptcies, calamities and the worst still, divorces have risen to an alarming level.
The line of Hygiea (A)(named after the Greek Goddess of Health), also called as the Line of Health is rare in the hands of a today’s youth, who may be short-lived.
Mental and physical stress can be seen writ in the palm. The Line of Marriage (A) and the Ring of Family (B) are formed well only in a few hands.
A Brow-shaped Line of Head (A), much twigged Line of Life (B) and Crosses in the Plain of Mars (C) are signs of accidents.
The much dreaded sagging, Colubra lines (Serpentine Lines) (A), islanded Ring of Family (B), and Line of Nemesis are (C) the prime indicators of bankruptcy.
Cliffs and furrows in the mount of Jupiter (A) portend bankruptcy. A bad mount of Sun with broken lines (B) is also said to be the villain of the piece.
Sudden misfortune may befall on people engaged in hazardous and adventurous activities like mountaineering and various air and sea occupations. The Line of Life and the Mount of Moon are to be studied in this regard. Uneven, wavy, symmetrically disturbed Line of Life (A) and fragmented, thick, irregular lines on a badly formed Mount of Moon (B) are considered malefic signs of sudden calamities (Refer above)
Divorce produces severe emotional shock and ruins many families. Horizontal lines from the Mount of Saturn running through the Mount of Jupiter (A), crossed and starred Line of Marriage (B), Broken Ring of Family (C), and a badly formed Mount of Venus are a few examples.
Watch the indications on the palm and try to avert divorces by timely counselling. Similarly, many misfortunes can be prevented, by taking proper precautions.

A woman’s palm mirrors her marital prospects. It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of her marital life is writ large in her palm. The Juno-Hymen system is the core of Palmistry and is used to determine marital compatibility. It is error-free as it is based on the palm, which is considered to be one’s natural horoscope. Favourable yogas of Vedic astrology such as Saraswati yoga, Gajakesari yoga or Panchamalika yoga are also reflected in various combinations in the palm.

Use of Holo-Cosmo Graphic glyphs (also called ‘Nishans’) is an effective remedial measure. Holo-Cosmo Graphic glyphs are recommended according to name, day, date of birth and mother’s name of the native. One can offer prayers according to one’s own faith. Women are advised to draw Rangoli designs of the suggested glyphs in their houses, in places like pooja room. This will culminate in finding a suitable life-partner facilitating conjugal happiness, prosperity and peace for the whole family.

Palms of women are magnificent specimens of nature. The waves of growth, dictated by the evolution of mind and body are represented by the palms. The lives of women are influenced by the combination of lines in their palms. The fate of their marital life is writ large in their palms.
Juno-Hymen system
The Juno-Hymen system is the core of Palmistry to determine marital compatibility. Juno is the goddess of marriage and children. Hymen (Hymenaeus) is the god of marriage, whose name was gleaned from a salutation in the Greek wedding ceremony.

The eminent scholars of Marseilles, France and seers of Egypt included Juno-Hymen system as an integral part of ‘Four dimensional analysis of palms’ to foresee conjugal happiness, which is similar to the ‘ten-compatibilities matrix’ in Vedic astrology. Juno-Hymen system is error-free and is based on the palm, which is considered to be one’s natural horoscope.
All aspects of marital compatibility can be divined through a critical examination of Colubra lines in the palms. Colubra in Latin means ‘serpent’. The Solomon line, that is, Solomon’s Sceptre starts from either quadrangle or rectangle.

This sceptre in a woman’s hand is a very auspicious sign (fig.1) This will save her husband too from all difficulties. The birth details are also important to determine the marital compatibility.
Yogas manifested in the palm
What are called in Vedic astrology as ‘Gajakesari yoga, Saraswati yoga or Panchamalika yoga’ are also reflected in various combinations in the palm. Similarly, the afflictions and obstacles caused by extraneous forces are also indicated in the palm.
Gajakesari yoga
A wide palm, aesthetically conic-shaped fingers, the prominent mounts of Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, Mercury, Moon, Venus and Mars and the major lines in a straight formation reveal Gajakesari yoga (Fig 2). The results are long life, fame, high status, comfortable life etc.
Gajakesari yoga
A wide palm, aesthetically conic-shaped fingers, the prominent mounts of Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, Mercury, Moon, Venus and Mars and the major lines in a straight formation reveal Gajakesari yoga (Fig 2). The results are long life, fame, high status, comfortable life etc.
Saraswati Yoga (Fig 3)
Observe the following indicators:
An attractively longer palm with fine conic fingers, the prominent Jupiter, Venus and Moon mounts; the line of Mars running parallel to the Life line in crescent shape (3 A); The line of Fate starting from the bracelet and ending in the mount of Saturn (3 B). The line of Sun ending in the mount of Sun in trident shape.

(3 C). The line of Sun branching towards the mounts of Moon and Mars (3D).

A travel line from the mount of Moon (3E).
All the above indicate that the native will amass wealth, visit many foreign countries, secure higher education, excel in sports, research and possess robust physique and gift of eloquence. The above features adorn the palms of erudite celebrities.
Panchamalika Yoga (Fig 4)
Panchamalika Yoga is characterized by the following indications in the palm. The ring of Solomon in the mount of Jupiter (4A).
A pyramid in the lower mount of Mars (4 B);
A trident in the mount of Venus (4C).
A pyramid in the bracelet (4 D);
A pyramid in the mount of Moon (4E).
A branch of the fate line entering the mount of Sun (4 F).
A well-joined line of Mercury entering its own mount near the marriage line (4g).
These indications signify that the native will get married between the age of 22 and 25. Such a person will have big foreign contacts and will shine in the fields of scientific research, politics and sports. The longevity of her husband will be very good and his career will be bright.
Remedial measures for marital afflictions
Delays in marriage can be overcome by offering prayers and performing poojas at one’s home without elaborate propitiatory rituals and in an inexpensive way.
Holo-Cosmo Graphic Glyphs
Use of Holo-Cosmo Graphic glyphs (also called ‘Nishans’) is an effective remedial measure. Holo-Cosmo Graphic glyphs are recommended according to name, day, date of birth and mother’s name of the native.

Specific advice is also given in regard to use of flowers, colours and the day for observance of the propitiatory measure
as remedies. One can offer prayers according to one’s own faith. Women are advised to draw Rangoli designs of the suggested glyphs in their houses, in places like pooja room or inside a spic-and-span enclosure. This will culminate in finding a suitable life-partner facilitating conjugal happiness, prosperity and peace for the whole family.

A handy Table is provided, pinpointing the favourable dates, days, flowers and colours for all Birth Numbers (numerological addition of Birth date). Start any venture on a specially suitable date and day. Offer the recommended flowers first to your Family deity or Guru. Then you can meet your probable life-partner on that day for the first time, wearing the favourable coloured dress, and carrying the specified flowers.
Case study : 1 (Delay in Marriage)
A highly talented beautiful girl’s marriage was unduly delayed. Her parents were searching for a suitable alliance far and wide. She was advised to hang the portrait of Juno and Hymen in a clean space in her house and draw the design of ‘Nishan’ in the pooja room. She performed poojas with the flowers of Hibiscus and Rose and used Yellow, Orange and Purple coloured dresses. Her marriage was celebrated after three months and she is now happily settled in life.
Case Study : 2 (Marital Disharmony)
Findings : A Calyx Sign and Colubrine Lines (Fig.5) in the mounts of Venus and Mercury in the palms are said to be the signs of delayed marriage and marital disharmony.

Mr. M. J. was separated from his wife soon after his marriage. He was advised to worship his Family Deity with particular flowers like Jasmine and Lotus. He was asked to dress in colours of Cream, Blue and Green. He placed the Nishan (Glyph) at a sanctified place. He was reunited with his wife, after two years of separation.
Case Study : 3 (Financial Difficulties to a couple)
Findings : A deep cross bar in both the palms in the mounts of Sun (Fig. 6A) and Venus (B). A disturbed Fate Line (C) was indicative of struggles in life.

A specific Nishan (Glyph), use of flowers like Lotus and Jasmine and also specified use of colours in dresses (Orange, Purple, Yellow and Green) were recommended. They performed worship to their Family Deity. After a period of four months, Lady Luck smiled on them.
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